Yes, if you can’t get it right, drain the copper. Build the fire and use fans to circulate the air. It’ll freeze during the day as well, so you got to heat to 32 at least. Sucks to use all your wood, but nothing like losing the copper. You’ll chase that forever. Turn up the heat and eat the expense until the weather moderates. In the spring, insulate. $400 will get most of it done and you need no experience. If you use fiberglass bats, get a bottle of the cheapest fabric softener and when your done with the job, shower with it. Keeps it from itching and you’ll smell good and have the slickest skin ever.
Thanks! I week I had to drain the pipes, we had no electricity so the gas furnace wouldn’t click on, but it would get up to above 32 during the day. Weird, weird weather that January of 2002.
I’ll look into your suggestions for when the weather warms up!