Didn’t President Trump say that the troops could stay for free at the Trump Hotel if they wanted to?
Then, wasn’t there a report that said that the troops were only taking quick breaks and naps in the garage? They weren’t actually living there.
I’m considering that what lieu said is BS and he’s hiding the real reason the troops are there.
I agree. Every day the troops stayed, it got harder and harder for the scammers to explain away their presence without admitting Biden has no control over them. So, this is their pathetic excuse.
I think we have more NG in DC than will fit in the Trump hotel. I don’t have a doubt that President Trump would keep them housed in better circumstances than that parking garage if it’s within his ability to control that. And I think he’s able to do it.
Nationally, the optics of NG stuck in a parking garage makes peelousy & company look like crap and those optics are good IMHO. My prayer is that it’s only optics. But I also know my military kids would laugh and tell me they’re tough and can handle it. With this cold spell I’m wishing I could take them all cauldrons of hot homemade soup. Bet I could get a dozen other FreeQ old ladies to help with that.