Two plans (elections)
1 - Dominion
2 - preprints
3 - Clinton
4 - SEIU
5 - Stonewall
6 - Crackdown
Dominion ‘nudged totals by algorithm for narrow close races.
Preprints brought in to counter unexpected landslide (S Powell “Trump broke the algorithm”). Stop counting, send GOP poll watchers home, stuff ballot scanning machines.
Clinton group controls SEIU.
SEIU stationed in election vote counting rooms.
Stonewall by legal control, lawyers (e.g. Mark Elias), judges, compromised, controlled in advance.
Crackdown to come. Efforts to prove election steal to be narrated as domestic terrorism. Military, DHS, US Marshals, FBI, ATF to be examined for individuals to form crackdown task force. False flags in planning.
Clinton group controls SEIU.
SEIU stationed in election vote counting rooms.
this was one of the most obvious ploys - and barely mentioned or investigated..