I am as insulted as you are about the message (in Spanish) to choose our native language. I'm not so insulted about the use of metric units. The US is about the only developed country still clinging to the fps (foot-pound-second) system. It is not to our advantage. Countries like Canada and the UK made the switch decades ago, and are now nearly completely converted. The US is mired in this dual world. It will not go away.
Almost everything in the world now is made on metric machines. Almost every fastener in every automobile and truck sold in the world is metric. In my view, once you get the hang of it, metric is a better system. It's far easier to divide by 100 than it is to divide by 12. Time is still stuck in units derived from planetary and lunar motion, because that's been common around the world for millennia (pardon the "metric" term). Seconds, though, are still divided metrically, milli-seconds, micro-seconds, nano-seconds, etc. It's only planetary length times that get away from base 10. At least we've got time to think about that.
We are not “mired” in anything - or “clinging” to anything. You sound like Obama - referring to us as “bitter clingers”.
Using your logic, why are other nations still clinging to their languages - the entire world should just get over it and speak English.
The answer is that they don’t want to lose their culture - they don’t want to be assimilated into a globalist society run by the UN.
There is nothing wrong with our units of measure - they are just parts of our language. Yes, a foot is arbitrary, but so is a meter.
I can convert as fast as you can - and apparently I am better at dividing by twelve and eight - but you are missing the point; I don’t want our culture to be assimilated by the globalists.
Yes, it’s a small thing - but small things will be the death of us - like the proverbial boiled frog.
And by the way, the frog will die sooner under the metric system, since it takes fewer Celsius degrees to reach the boiling point.