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To: greeneyes

greeneyes wrote:

“Thomas Wictor

NOT a conspiracy theory.

Since Trump “left office,” NOT ONE federal agency has answered a single question about whether or not there will be a temporary flight restriction (TFR) over Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

As of today, there isn’t.

In the past, there always was when Trump visited.

And this photo released by Trump’s Save America PAC looks really weird.

It shows Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy at Mar-a-Lago.

The closer you look, the more bizarre it becomes.
Trump and McCarthy look superimposed, and they were each photographed with different lenses on the camera.

Look at their feet.

The wide-angle lens makes Trump look like his feet are 2/3 the size of McCarthy’s.

Also, Trump looks like he’s leaning WAY forward, off balance.

Trump’s right arm casts a VERY dark shadow on his body, but his body doesn’t cast an equally intense shadow on the carpet.

And neither man is casting a shadow on the sofa on the right side of the image.
Remember that McCarthy said that Trump is partially responsible for the Capitol building raid.

Why would Trump meet HIM of all people.

Since Trump “left office,” the GOP has remained incredibly loyal.

People made a big deal about the RNC remaining neutral in another Trump run in 2024, but you’re taking that statement at face value.

Why is that impossible to do?

If the fate of the US itself and THE WORLD is at stake, don’t you think people would lie to cover up and operation to defeat the enemy?

Or do you want everyone to always tell the truth and fail with honor?

Those are your choices:

Let them lie and save our sorry asses, or insist they always tell the truth at the cost of our enemies destroying everything.

One of Trump’s major headwinds was the stubborn refusal of his “supporters” to trust him.
We’re seeing those people taking action now, and they’re ******* up nonstop.

That’s because the enemy was prepared for these entirely predictable pre-failed actions.

They’re playing right into the enemy’s hands by giving the enemy the rationale to crack down harder.

Failing with honor and ****** melodrama.

I don’t care what anybody says:


As I said, I figured out a foolproof way for him to defeat this.

He’s met with both McConnell and McCarthy, which tells me THIS:
I’m on the right track.

This may all be over much sooner than you think.

We’ll see what happens.


I think the GME stock ploy is part of the strategy.

Hit the DS in the pocketbook.

211 posted on 01/30/2021 3:55:48 AM PST by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000))
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To: WildHighlander57
"Hit the DS in the pocketbook."

as long as the rest of us don't go down the toiliet to..

304 posted on 01/30/2021 8:37:34 AM PST by cherry
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