On Wednesday January 20, 2021 around 11:30am, I went to find any feeds on the fraudulent inauguration, but I didn’t want to visit any lefty sites either.
I looked back in my history of sites visited that day.
This is what I found:
11:42am - Newsmax tv livestream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujCBdUK7mlc
Not being satisfied with just that, I went looking further.
This next video I didn’t watch until late last night, because I think he was just walking around that day, or I came very late into his feed, and I thought it was over, with nothing left to see. But he was in my history for that day right after Newsmax. Same day feed, but from a different perspective.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 1:32pm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h6xYppiMEc
(Warning: very, very, foul language at the 2:08 mark between a nasty man and a street preacher in the above link)
I hope this can shed some light on that day. Happy Hunting Patriots!!!
I also found this interesting video on Crowdsource the Truth 3’s channel last night talking about the Paradise fires that happened in California long ago.
But skip to the 11:46 mark in this video.
Where he mentions the 17th letter of the alphabet, BBC, and pedophilia. Also the statue on the BBC building as being very provocative.