From BTT, h/t freeper Hostage, about quo warranto:
The Fulton County ballots were shredded only in small part.
Here are the events I followed:
After Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (JHP) gave his presentation to the GA State Senate (Judiciary Committee), they published a report calling for GA’s Electors to be rescinded and decertified.
Here is the GA hearing where JHP presented:
I strongly recommend watching it.
The GA State Senate followed with an authorization for the JHP team to enter the lockup facility and conduct a forensic audit of the paper ballots. Note that federal law requires ballots to be stored securely for 22 months.
Within about 4 to 6 hours of receiving the GA State Senate order, JHP’s team headed to the facility where the ballots were scored.
When they got there, they were told large moving trucks had just loaded hundreds and hundreds of boxes of ballots. JHP’s team accompanied by law enforcement took off in hot pursuit and followed the trucks to a shredding facility. Some shredding had just gotten underway.
Law enforcement officials impounded the ballots. Members of JHP’s team found a 50 gal round waste bin of shreds and stuck to the inside of the bin was a shipping label for the ballots in Chinese. They also found ballots that were prevoted by machines.
Now whether these ballots were counted ballots or extra inventory ballots (never sent out) is yet unknown to the public.
The night these ballots were impounded, a shot was fired through the bedroom window of one of JHP’s team.
What followed is a court hearing with a voter advocacy group known as ‘Voter GA’ headed up by Garland Favorito before Chief Judge Brian Amero. Note that Favorito’s group had been trying for weeks and weeks to gain access to the ballots but were frustrated by technicalities in law and policy. Parts of the GA government are corrupt to say the least. The group had standing through a GA open records request.
Chief Judge Amero signed an order to preserve and protect the Fulton County ballots for Favorito’s group and scheduled a hearing a week following for the state to respond to why the Voter GA group should not be granted access to the ballots. That hearing was heard on January 20 last Wednesday.
In last week’s hearing, one of the GA State officials showed up and lied through her teeth why the ballots were not to be available for examination by outside parties. Judge Amero said he would rule in 5 days.
My expectation given there is organized crime involved in GA, is the Judge will be threatened or his family. He may allow a small sampling of ballots to save his skin. A small sampling will not settle the issue. Fulton County residents are steaming mad about what they know is massive election fraud. This was evident by caller after caller to the John Fredericks Show. Normal quiet, polite Georgians are mad as hell.
After the new GA legislature was convened, two of the state senators who conducted the hearing for the GA election fraud were stripped of their committee memberships as a retaliation. As a result of this political injury caused to them, they have standing to file a Quo Warranto clain in federal court.
Chief Judge Amero’s last hearing was January 15, not January 20.
January 20 was the hearing of the AZ legislature with Maricopa County. The AZ legislature won a complete victory but Maricopa County will still not allow access. We know why.
GA Judge Amero should have his ruling out by now. I haven’t heard about it yet but haven’t looked deeply yet. Like I said we should expect a ruling where a small sampling of the ballots are allowed but this will settle nothing.
Thanks for posting that info about GA.
Reminds me of a quote I just saw quoted on an article linked on FR. I’ve been searching to authenticate it as making up Thom Jefferson quotes is a cottage industry, but searches suck nowadays and can’t verify. It’s the article about AZ grassroots Repubs against the AZ elite Repukes. It is very clear that the quote below sums up the currnt crisis in the US perfectly.
McCarthy proceeded to quote Thomas Jefferson, who “once said that once a Republic has become corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of its growing evils, but by removing the corruption and restoring it in its entirety. Every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”
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