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To: genetic homophobe

Below is the autogenerated transcript from the video at the link above posted by Peter Humphrey titled:
Dr Lee Merrit Interview
379,267 views•Jan 16, 2021

Dr. Lee Merrit:
and so let me just point out we have
never made it through an animal study
successfully for this type of virus
we have never done this in humans before
at least we haven’t maybe the chinese
have and i’ll talk about that in a
second but that’s
that’s why we don’t really have a track
record of success
this vaccine was rolled out to
distribution centers before they even
made a show of caring about the fda
approving it
do you realize that i mean it went out
to for distribution i know in nebraska
it was in the distribution center
within days before the fda even said
they were going to approve it
do you get the sense that medicine is
being weaponized
against our freedom and that this
coronavirus is being used
to trample our rights well you’re not
alone uh today we have a very special
guest with us her name is dr
lee merritt and she’s got a bio i could
spend all half an hour on on her bio
i’ll just
kind of go through it real quick she
started her medical career at age four
doing house calls with her father
uh she’s a lifelong member of the alpha
omega alpha honor
medical society uh she’s the past
of the american association of
physicians and surgeons
which is a wonderful wonderful group of
she’s a former board member of the
arizona medical association
uh and i this bio is just incredible
classically trained physician
got her medical degree from the
university of rochester school of
medicine and dentistry
she was an orthopedic spinal surgeon for
years studied bio weapons did her
internship at the national
naval medical center in bethesda
maryland in
internal medicine and then she did
residency in orthopedic surgery
at san diego naval medical center she
spent 10 years as a military surgeon
all over the place she she was awarded
the lewis
goldstein fellowship in spinal surgery
the only woman to have
ever uh received that and uh just
incredible bio she’s been a speaker at
doctors for disaster preparedness a
wonderful conference
if you’re not familiar with it and she
uh something of a free thinker and uh so
uh dr merritt thank you so much for
agreeing to be with us today well thank
you thank you it’s been an exciting week
i was in washington dc before this so
oh wow i bet that was exciting uh so
um tell us a little bit about your
thoughts on this
this covet and how it it seems like it’s
just the perfect excuse to
uh take our rides shut down our
businesses destroy our economy
overrule our you know personal bodily
integrity now they’re saying maybe we’re
gonna have mandatory vaccines
uh what are your thoughts on this covet
is the virus does it really justify the
level of hysteria we’ve seen
and the massive expansion of government
power that we’ve seen
well the simple answer is no it does not
um you know when i gave my talk in
august at the doctors for disaster
preparedness the name
the talk was sars kobe 2 and the rise of
medical technocracy
now i i had been asked to talk and i i
had come up with an idea years before
that literally i’d started thinking
about a talk for them
over the couple years because i go to
the meetings periodically
and my talk was on the weaponization of
medicine the problem is by the time i
actually was ready to give the talk i
had to change things so rapidly because
they they did it they did kind of what i
thought you know and
i really do believe we’re at war we’re
not we’re in an
unconventional unrestricted war the kind
that the
the military chinese generals talked
about 30 years ago and i’m not saying
this is just coming from china
but but that’s the proxima military
militarization of this and and my
thought before i even before all this
happened when i was just theoretically
thinking about this
was you know warfare has um changed over
time you know we started just hitting
each other over with clubs and then we
went to set piece battles and then we
went to
you know we as americans we kind of
pioneered guerrilla warfare shooting
behind trees and the british thought
that was unsportsmanlike
and on and on but but in our lifetime uh
what i call
military uh you know conflict 4.0 and i
made this up before i ever even heard
people now talking about fifth
generation warfare but that’s really
what we’re talking about
4.0 was when we were fighting say
isis or the tower or um al-qaeda and
you you knew maybe who the enemy was by
the geneva convention they appeared like
a standing army
they had uniforms they had training they
used you know group
tactics and things but you realize
weren’t 100
sure who the enemy was because you
didn’t know who was funding them who was
sending them
weapons who was really doing the
training so there was plausible
deniability but what if you could take
it the next step further so what i
what i’ve called and what i’ve learned
actually some other people called
warfare 5.0 what if you had a weapon
that was so stealth
that not only did you not know who the
enemy was you didn’t even know you were
being attacked
so it looked like nature okay and that’s
really what we’re in here in my opinion
is that kind of scenario so what they’ve
and and this is again my thinking about
this i didn’t read this anywhere but i
about how this thing came about one of
the things i learned and i actually
learned from a
somewhat i figured this out but then i
was confirmed by a taiwanese engineer on
an airplane i was on one night
and he said that they don’t listen the
reason they didn’t get hit badly with
this virus they figured out right away
is that they don’t listen to what the
communist party propaganda their news
they don’t listen to them what they do
is they have a whole department that
screens their social media and when they
see something get censored
they start looking at it that that must
be the truth now that’s something that
we should start appreciating here in
america today
wow but so so i’m gonna tell you i
i believed early on in february that
this was a
biologically manipulated bio weapon
the minute that anybody popped up with
data suggesting that they were censored
you know
the the old military air the pilot
dictum that when you’re catching flack
you’re over the target so i believe that
and i think there’s a i
you know we don’t have time to go into
it but i think there’s a host of
evidence that shows
coronavirus is a naturally occurring
very benign virus that doesn’t even give
most people the cold but at the most it
gives you a common cold right
doesn’t kill you doesn’t make you very
sick but what they’ve done is
it’s the transmission device so think
about how we were
years ago it when we first came into the
nuclear age
we couldn’t easily distribute nuclear
weapons we had to drop them from
onto the japanese cities of hiroshima
and nagasaki so we had we just had to
take them in a plane but now we have
the hard part is actually the guide
guidance missile the guidance missile
technology so
in bio weapons what we had is we had a
lot of bio weapons over the years so the
one i was very worried about was
but some of these most of these
bioweapons were either hard to
distribute or there was treatment for
them or something and the problem here
is distribution so here like you know
remember the anthrax thing it came out
in the envelopes it went to congress
it’s hard to distribute anthrax it might
be deadly to some people but it’s hard
to distribute
so let’s pick let’s make a missile and
the missile is coronavirus which is a
highly transmissible very small particle
it can’t be masked away no matter what
the propaganda is you can’t hide from it
behind a plastic little
screen that costs businesses too much
money it’s just
incredibly transmissible but it’s very
now add to that of the basically
the warhead and the warhead is a little
protein that they tacked on
that attaches to your ace2 pathway and
human beings have these h2 pathways
that’s somewhat genetically determined
and when you when you uh put on this
this this hook there’s what they call
the spike protein
then it gets into these a2 pathways
which now is in your heart in your lungs
in your testicle in your brain
it can kill you now i believe what
happened here is that whether
and we can argue i kind of think it was
let out purposely but ida can’t prove
that it was either accidentally released
or it was let out purposely but whatever
it happened when it first came out like
many viruses i believe that
it was it was worse the first generation
was more deadly
okay so that it came out it did kill a
lot of people in wuhan it did kill
people in lombardy
i tell people you know there’s a problem
when doctors are dying and doctors and
nurses in lombardy were dying if we
can’t save ourselves
we’re in trouble that’s the time to go
to your basement it does help to go to
your basement
but you can’t then go out to have a beer
or go out and go to the grocery store
that’s that’s just shutting down
people’s businesses for economic warfare
real isolation like against smallpox
works so anyway it first came out to
lombardy it went to new york that was
probably first generation virus and it
did kill a bunch of people initially but
just like most viruses almost all
viruses that i know of
you know as they pass through the human
host they get weaker this is just a
you know adaptive advantage if you’re
the napoleon of viruses and you want to
take over the world
you don’t want to kill every host you
come across you’re not going to spread
so what you do is you become less
less deadly more transmissible and
that’s what this has done over time
that’s my belief about the big picture
but what happened is as soon as this
thing came out it became
you know it’s very easy to piggyback
onto things and whether like i say
if this was a planned release then we’re
talking about planned warfare if it was
an accidental release then we’re talking
about warfare that was piggybacked on to
this accidental release
because what they’ve done is they’ve
made it they’ve used it to create
fear and fear is an incredible uh
psychological manipulator of populations
if i want to make everybody
you know if i want to they’ve taken look
at like you said they’ve taken down our
they’ve taken they’re taking down our
generation of children with these stupid
they’re damaging us in all sorts of ways
and it’s a psyop at this point
because here’s the other thing we
learned and i don’t think they i don’t
really think they expected us
doctors like myself i mean we had
nothing to do we were shut down we were
sitting at home and what do we do our
response is to study
and we learned lots of things in fact i
found out that we had treatment for
viruses probably going back into the 19
late 70s and so i graduated medical
in 1980 so i’m an old fart but my son
graduated much later just recently
and he’s a general surgeon and i asked
him i said have you ever heard in your
medical education all the fellowship all
stuff you’re doing you ever heard we
could treat viruses with with
violent with these antimicrobial agents
no he never heard it
called my friend in florida 40-year
internal medicine
professor real medicine doctor he said
you ever heard that we could treat
viruses with some kind of antimicrobial
agent no he never heard that
so this is the biggest lie i tried to
publish a paper called that but they
made me change the title of something i
can’t remember but
it’s about the fact that they’ve lied to
us for 40 years about this
treatment so here’s the big picture if
you have
if you bring out a virus like this you
don’t need
when we talk about vaccines and things
why do we have vaccines we have vaccines
because we didn’t have
treatment for small for smallpox we
didn’t and it was a very deadly disease
that made sense to have a vaccine
we didn’t have treatment for um polio
initially so
made sense to have a vaccine but this
even without
doing anything this disease has a 99.991
chance of survival in last viral season
i’ll call it a viral season because it
really isn’t just a flu season anymore
but you know in the winter season that’s
what our
last season that’s what our horrible
including new york and everything that
was the overall survival in the world
as opposed to a standard viral flu
season it’s 99.992
you see the big difference so so number
one it’s not that all deadly but number
we actually have a treatment for this
that works extremely well
in spite of all the propaganda and the
attempts to falsify the medical
literature which they’ve gotten caught
and the attempts to just dis just
anything they don’t agree with oh we not
we have treatment for it and it really
does work
so we don’t need and you say why would
they hide treatment well i can come up
with two reasons
one is that um your 69 billion
vaccine industry goes to zero if you
have an effective treatment for all
viral airborne diseases right so mumps
measles blah blah blah
it might help all of these we don’t know
completely yet because they’ve injured
to be you’re talking about things like
chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
right and ivormectin they’re probably
these are called lysosomotropic agents
and and i can tell you that my
one of my friends called me he’s a he’s
an anesthesiologist but he’s trained in
india initially
and and he was so excited he called me
in the middle of the night when we first
kind of we heard about it before trump
said anything because
it isn’t i first thought that they said
oh they didn’t want to go along with
this because orange man bad they just
didn’t want anything that trump said was
it was bad but we actually knew about it
beforehand and it’s much bigger than
anything to do with trump so he called
me and he said i think i know how these
things work because he got out his old
of infectious disease and and
biochemistry basically
from india and he figured it out i said
okay well if that’s the way it works we
should be able to find
other medications and then i found the
term lysosomatropic agents and i started
looking for these and it turns out there
are a number of them
but the bottom line is why don’t they
want you to know well the the
the 69 billion vaccine industry goes to
zero but even more than that
if we are at bio warfare right now as a
part of this multi-dimensional warfare
if you have a treatment in your back
pocket they cannot terrorize you with
i mean with viruses and that’s important
even if the way they’ve made this
it’s really not a vaccine but whatever
this thing is you want to tell that
they’re calling the spicer vaccine this
modern vaccine
this rna thing it doesn’t prevent
transmission by their own admission
okay and even if it did it is created to
on the on the the warhead part of this
deal the
the spike protein so next year
these guys and these bio weapons which
one of the other things i learned sadly
is that there are these bio weaponers
all over the country and that we
literally have funded them
we’ve literally funded think about this
we have funded a pla virologist to come
and work in our
army bio weapons lab that is the height
of insanity or treason
and pla is people’s liberation army for
the folks out there not familiar with
the charge that is ominous china yeah
right right i mean
it went under the clinton administration
by the way it was completely illegal to
have non-aligned
foreign students so if you were from
iran or
in or some place that was not one of our
you couldn’t even work in a biology lab
that worked with lesser pathogens you
know any pathogens that could be used as
a bioweapon so
so suddenly we’ve gone from that stance
under the clinton administration to
under the obama administration actually
funding plh
chinese communist virologists to work in
our bio weapons lab it’s absolute
but i found out that there are these
guys we have more bio weaponers than i
than i anticipated i knew the soviets
had them and they were probably around
but i didn’t realize how many were
generally in the world
so they can now create another little
thing to go on this coronavirus now they
got the missile technology they can put
whatever they want on there
and every year you’d have to have a
different vaccine so don’t think that
even if you believe vaccine this
type of vaccine will work which i don’t
even if you believe that
it’s not a permanent solution viruses
are all around us they’re part of nature
we lived with them for millennia we’ll
live them for them
hopefully if we survive all this we’ll
live another few millennial with them
but you know
we have to have a solution that doesn’t
involve a vaccine
of any kind and that we have those
solutions we have treatment and we have
so not only is hydroxychloroquine and
chloroquine good for treatment it’s good
for prevention
but the other thing is you can improve
your own immune system through
supplements people the
you know big pharma doesn’t ever want
you to do that but there’s no question
the i i was when i was sitting at home
kind of getting mad and watching the
computer and
i kept kicking the screen saying you
know for all the billions of dollars we
pay the cdc
why do they not drill down on the people
getting really really sick and dying
because if you notice that there’s kind
of a there was a bimodal distribution
there were people that were from you
know that walked away from this thing
most people 90 percent of 90 plus
percent of people just they never really
get sick with this they get a little
sick or they get a flu like thing but
they walk away from it
and then there’s a very small percentage
of people that are in the icu or dying
who are those people well the cdc for
all that money never looked at it lord
they didn’t tell us
but the indonesians did and they looked
and they found out that it was
almost the biggest they looked at a
bunch of different things but the
biggest biggest thing
is what your vitamin d level was if it
was above 30 your chance of being in the
icu is less than four percent
of high of sick people in the hospital
so much less when you’re looking at the
big population so
biggest thing people can do is get their
vitamin d level up and the sun doesn’t
do it
so that’s my big overall view of this
thing and and i do think it’s part of a
takedown of america
that is absolutely fascinating dr
meredith and you know what’s funny
without being a medical professional
without having read all the literature i
was coming to similar conclusions
just from from what i could discern from
what was in the press so i want to drill
down a little bit more on these vaccines
um you know it’s a hot toby just
yesterday biden
were recording on on thursday january
was today the 14th or the 15th
and just yeah the 14th and just
yesterday biden put out a tweet that
he’s gonna
ensure that every american gets this
vaccine i’m like oh
does that include me um do you have any
about the safety of the vaccine and
what i mean would you recommend to your
patients if you’re practicing
to to take that would you would it
depend on their risk profile what do you
well i have lots of concerns not the
least of which is for the integrity and
the moral terptitude of the
of the medical profession because you
we never force people to have a medical
treatment and no matter how you look at
it having a vaccine of any kind whether
it’s a flu vaccine or this
is a medical treatment nobody should be
coerced or forced to have it and by the
that’s what we hung the doctors after
world war ii
in germany for that principle for
violating that principle and we
shouldn’t be doing it but
the medical the safety thing is this so
i always tell people you know i’m not
going to tell you whether to get a
vaccine or not you have to make your
decision up but you should be allowed to
have informed consent
and where that is getting so bad that if
you put up the uh package insert
for a vaccine on your on your facebook
you can get taken down so let’s just
keep in mind here we’re not getting
informed consent here we might think we
are we’re not
so if you look at the history of these
vaccines just real quickly
these are these are not these are
experimental biologics that i don’t even
like to call them vaccines because
classically the how vaccines work is
this you grow a bunch of the pathogens
so let’s say it’s measles you grow the
in the you know in a vat or in eggs and
then you take a
portion of that and you make it less
strong you attenuate it you make it
and there’s different ways of doing that
and then you inject it into people
and their own immune system sees that
weakened pathogen
and then they react to it just enough
that it puts it in their immunologic
memory and then when they’re exposed to
it the next time
they memorize it and theoretically they
can then better respond
that’s what your real body does when it
gets sick you’re you’re
just without all this vaccination stuff
you get sick with
with a virus you get perfect lifelong
immunity for the most part
and and it’s over okay so what but how
is this different well this is not
they’re not giving you a pathogen or a
piece of a pathogen or a small piece
with a with an adjuvant which is a
chemical that makes your immune system
react more
what they’re doing is programming mrna
and mrna is a little piece of it’s it’s
it’s like dna but it’s the messenger rna
it’s what
it’s what makes proteins in the body
it’s kind of like a computer chip that
you put into a
a 3d printer and then it you tell it
what you want it to make and it prints
it out right that we have that in
engineering and this is the biologic
equivalent i make up i make some mrna
and it tells your body to produce
certain things
well in this case what they’ve done
they’ve made
a piece of this mrna to create in every
cell of your body that spike protein
or at least part of it and that spike
you’re actually creating the pathogen in
your body so
you know this is where it gets a little
wishy about how much of that spike
protein is actually being created and i
don’t know how to find that i can’t find
that but
i’m sure somebody knows what happens is
the problem and this is the problem and
i’ll tell you what happened in the
animal studies there have been
four different vaccines and three
different animal studies that i know of
in ferrets in um what’s the other cats
was the cats have a natural
thing with coronavirus so it’s cats and
ferrets and i think something else
they started after sars they did cats
and then after mers
they did which are all coronavirus
pathogens that are more deadly
and they they after mers they tried it
in ferris and something else and what
happened is
all the animals died it wasn’t subtle
okay but they didn’t die of the vaccine
what they died from was called immune
enhancement or
antibody induced enhancement or antibody
dependent enhancement they call it ade
now but it’s it’s
they used to call it immune enhancement
here’s what happens so
they make the rna and so you’re getting
ready with this they you get the vaccine
and you do fine
all right now you challenge the animal
with the virus that you’re supposed to
be immunizing against
so when they charged when they
challenged those cats with with
with sars what happened is instead of
instead of killing the virus or you know
weakening what they did is
you’re this stylized immuno response
that they’ve made built into your system
went out and coded the virus so the
virus came into the human
the cat’s body like a trojan horse
unseen by the cat’s own immune system
and then it replicated without checking
killed the cat with overwhelming sepsis
and cardiac failure
and that happened in the ferrets that
happened every time they’ve tried this
and so let me just point out we have
never made it through an animal study
successfully for this type of virus
we have never done this in humans before
at least we haven’t maybe the chinese
have and i’ll talk about that in a
second but
that’s that’s why we don’t really have a
track record of success
this vaccine was rolled out to
distribution centers before they even
made a show of caring about the fda
approving it
do you realize that i mean it went out
to for distribution i know in nebraska
it was in the distribution center
within days before the fda even said
they were going to approve it
what i mean i’ve never seen that happen
and the longest they’ve really followed
people after the vaccine is two months
you see that’s that’s not enough time to
know that we won’t have that antibody
enhancement problem and i will make this
military point
this is a perfect binary weapon you
could you could
there you there’s no way i know exactly
what that mrna is programmed to and
neither do you or neither do most
doctors the doctors can’t get at that
that’s the guys the guys at the very top
of this project
okay they know but we don’t know they
say it’s to the spike protein but how do
we prove it we don’t know
so if i were china and i wanted to take
down our military that’s easy
i make this i’m just do like we’ve seen
i’m i make it pro i make it to a
a uh something i could hook onto this
coronavirus like the spike protein or
something else another protein
and i just co i just make it an mrna to
but i know it doesn’t exist in nature so
nobody’s gonna die from the vaccine
and then two years later i released the
the whatever it is that i made you see
what i’m saying the counterpart
and it causes this immune enhancement
death so it’s a delayed death that’s
what binoy
binary poisons are they’re delayed
they’re i give you part one
because it you know i and then i can
walk away and then you accidentally get
contact with part two and die and you
can’t trace yeah and
and that’s not a hypothetical threat
there there was a leak of members of the
communist chinese party out of shanghai
and there was hundreds of them
working in pfizer and astrazeneca and
the companies that were making these
vaccines that is absolutely terrifying
so we’re going to trust them
right you know that they’re acting in
our best interest
where do we go from here dr merritt in
the last few minutes that we have left
what are your concerns about what’s
coming on the horizon i’ve talked to
doctors they’ve said maybe we’re coming
up to a
covid 2021 uh you know
some variation of this they’ve talked
about this coronavirus mutation that’s
now supposed to be
70 times more virulent i don’t even know
what that means i don’t know how you how
you measure the well i can tell you
yeah that’s actually what they’re that’s
the one from britain don’t even worry
about that that’s just chump change what
they’re saying is it’s more
transmissible that’s like saying
i was going 95 on the freeway but now
i’m going to go 97.
you know don’t worry about that
transmissibility we don’t care about
this is so transmissible it’s
making it a little bit worse it’s not
going to be the problem lethality is
what you’re worried about
and that’s what we’re not talking about
that now they could come out with
something else but again
all if you come out with something
based on these airborne viruses like
we pretty much have a treatment which is
the hydroxychloroquine or the ivermectin
so why are they trying so hard
so they’re they’re what we need to do is
we need to take back our world
from the from the virology bad boys
by having a supply of ivermectin
when available now notice that two
what’s the chances two hydroxychloric
when plants burn down
and they say oh no they weren’t
hydroxychloroquine plants no
they made the precursors to
hydroxychloric one
right so you know you’re being lied to
it every turn
but what we need to do is we need to
stand up now i’m i’m proud to say
governor ricketts in nebraska he’s one
of the five governors who’s not
not restricted hydroxychloroquine in any
way shape or form
we need to everybody needs to ping their
governor to stop
signing this stuff that’s being brought
to us by
the medical universities that are all
being paid by Fouci in the NIH let’s
get over this and let’s give your people
the ability to defend themselves this is
like saying okay
we’re going to have missiles incoming
but you can’t build sand
you know sandbags you can’t have a
basement you can’t have a bomb shelter
that’s not right you should be able to
have a defense doctors should be aware
of the defense we got to quit lying
about the defense
and we need to tell people there are
five or six things I have a little
covert kit in my office
and if you do that you can improve your
immune response and your immune
your own ability to fight this off and
not get terribly sick
it’s possible that they are going to
come around with more dangerous things
though in the future
and then we need more than that so
that’s why we have to pump we have to
we have to get the truth out people have
to push around the
the news that there we have treatment
and patients are getting it which is sad
patients are afraid to go to hospitals
because they know they’re not going to
get the right treatment
that is sad but doctors and I would
just make this point to doctors
I get it if you’re in training and you
can’t speak out you’re stuck
you’re not I don’t fault you I do fault
everybody above that
the people that are taking the money
from Fouci the people that are taking
the money from the NIH
that are willing to take that money and
push from deservier and kill people
not because they’re necessarily killing
them when they’re deserving but they’re
killing them by omitting treatment early
on as outpatient that works
and the doctors below those that are out
of training they have to make a moral
decision here
because you can’t we should be
prophylaxis people in
nursing homes we could be saving lives
for five dollars a week we could be
saving a lot of these old people
but they don’t want to those are those
are what the they’re considered kind of
not contributory to society that’s where
the nazis went with this people that are
not worthy of living
we have to get over that because you you
guys the doctors that are making the
choice to
to be quiet because yeah they got a
mortgage they got two kids and they
don’t want to lose their university
it’s time to rethink your position i
think everybody needs to
in the medical community we need to man
up and be honest here
then the information’s out there don’t
tell me there’s no evidence
you know they’re lying to you about the
evidence if you really make any effort
on the internet you can find the
and if not you can go to the um i’m a
frontline doctor you can go to america’s
frontline doctors
you can go to the uh america the
association of aaps the
association of american physicians and
and many other organizations are
speaking up now
excellent dr mayor that’s the last thing
i was going to ask you any final
websites that people should visit
the american association of physicians
and surgeons which is a phenomenal group
uh the front line doctors any other
groups and any parting words of wisdom
for us dr merritt
well there’s the barrington declaration
and um i mean there’s just so much on
there if you just kind of go to
alternative sites um has lots of good articles i
would say if you want to get out of the
pandemic right now it’s really easy
you turn off your tv you take off your
mask you reopen your business
and you live your life you hug your
relatives you go see your old old
relatives and and you have neighborhood
because let me tell you we cannot live
in a basement even if you think masks
don’t do this to your children how many
decades are going to do this live every
winter every year
in a mask from now on no not doing that
mask don’t worry amen yeah well dr
merritt thank you so much for spending
some time with us thank you for sharing
your incredible insights
folks as dr lee merritt please share
this video out
you know just as well as i do is
probably not gonna be up on youtube very
long or on facebook so
guys get this out send it to your
friends to your relatives to your
mailing list
share it on alternative social media
platforms this information is absolutely
critical folks lives are on the line our
may be on the line so help get this
information out visit those websites and
share it with everybody you know
dr merritt thank you once again folks
thank you for watching and god bless you

2,176 posted on 01/30/2021 8:29:12 AM PST by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

Pretty sure the research into SARS and MERSA were the proving grounds for the Covid Binary Bio-weapon. The 100% deaths of the animal test subjects proved the efficacy of the mRNA in delayed deaths by exposure to a second targeted virus.

The perfect mass murder. And, if you do not get the GMO injection you are immune to the second pandemic. Very easy to keep the “Elites” out of the death tolls. Very necessary to control the weapon. It is after all the only way to make an effective bioweapon so that it does not kill you.

The only hard part is convincing your target to take a “vaccine” that bears no resemblance to a real vaccine.

2,177 posted on 01/31/2021 9:52:43 AM PST by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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