It’s hard to say, if you don’t already have the metal. Although silver is high (currently close to $27), the price isn’t as high as it was back in 2011. So buying right now could be a good thing because the price might be as low as it will be in the future, or it might be the top and once things settle down in a year or two it goes back down to under $15.
I never could figure out how it would work, to trade a metal for items. Like, I own a coin that at that moment is worth $50 and I want to exchange it for something you have that you feel is worth $25. How would we get an even trade if you don’t have a coin that equals $25 or I don’t want/need two of the items we’re exchanging? Maybe I just need to see it in practice to comprehend.
My thinking is things people can use/want would be more practical (food, household items, ammo, tobacco, alcohol, seeds, etc.).
I’ve told them to be leery. It sounds a little questionable to me....but they’re smart, so they’ll figure it out.
This whole evil Great Reset is weighing heavily on them. They raise meat. These globalists are trying to remove meat from everyone’s diet. They want all plant based food, to “save the planet”, because meat is so evil, with its passing of gas, etc. One thing that really set off alarms recently is the farming community bank had some fine print in their forms that the bank would be checking any social media that they had before renewing!
N called the bank to find out what that was about, and they said not to worry, it’s just to check that they’re not supporting any terrorist groups (you know, like the Proud Boys), or promoting any hate. Well, being Christian these days is tantamount to promoting hate, because you stand against the acceptance of homosexuality and the “transgender” movement.
M was never on any social media (too busy taking care of the future lamb chops, racks of lamb, bacon, ham, etc.) and N went off of any social media immediately. She didn’t have anything hateful, but she obviously had a cross-shaped target on her head.
I didn’t really see much about the whole exchanging of goods and services. I don’t think they’re going to find anything with this group, to be honest. They’re wouldn’t be buying a lot of silver....they were more interested in how they were going to survive if they can’t buy animal feed (he grows a certain amount of it) or seed.
Oh, and for all you meat lovers out there, the good news is that these planet overlords have given the green light for another new protein source.....wait for it.....yellow maggots! Yes, you can replace that delicious barbequed steak soon with a big bowl of yellow maggots! I hope lysie doesn’t get any breakfast ideas from this lol.
Just in case you can’t picture a bowl of yummy yellow maggots......
That’s why silver is recommended over gold for trading for small items.
My thinking is things people can use/want would be more practical (food, household items, ammo, tobacco, alcohol, seeds, etc.).
“My thinking is things people can use/want would be more practical (food, household items, ammo, tobacco, alcohol, seeds, etc.).”.... VERY good advice!