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To: mbrfl
If Trump remained President during the initial phase of arrests, trials, etc. it would allow Trump’s enemies to more easily argue that he was a dictator and claim that what he was doing was nothing more than an attack on his political rivals.

This is exactly what they will say regardless, should this play out. This is why the GOP has always folded in the past. If anybody would have the backbone to stand up to this election fraud, it would be Trump. There is something very odd about his silence these past 10 days. If he had truly thrown in the towel, he'd be doing all those "optics" things that outgoing presidents do like inviting the pres-elect to the WH, etc, saying goodbye to staff, etc.

2,115 posted on 01/19/2021 7:53:56 AM PST by SamAdams76 (By stealing Trump's second term, the Left gets Trump for 8 more years instead of just four.)
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To: SamAdams76

I have a feeling that Mitch basically told Trump to be quiet or else they would vote to convict in the Senate.

So, he’s choosing to fight another day, in the hope that this Administration will be extremely unpopular.

2,117 posted on 01/19/2021 7:55:51 AM PST by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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To: SamAdams76
This is exactly what they will say regardless, should this play out. This is why the GOP has always folded in the past.

Well they might, but the argument will be less effective if Trump stays in the background initially. And when talking about optics in this scenario, I'm referring to how it will be perceived by the public at large, not by Trump's political enemies in government and the media. Remember that unlike in the past, the "woke" crowd won't have the MSM there to comfort them and push the narrative. They'll be all on their own this time. The only information they will be getting initially will be what they're receiving through the EBS.

And as far as the GOP folding in the past, what's become evident is that it had a lot less to do with fear of the MSM than is did with corruption and blackmail. The argument that the GOP quit too easily because they were cowards was really designed, I believe, to give them cover and to hide the true reasons for why they constantly betrayed their base.

2,126 posted on 01/19/2021 8:12:42 AM PST by mbrfl
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To: SamAdams76

Forget the GOP. Of course they folded, Always. Now they can be open about who they are. They believed we were nothing but pawns, had a laugh on it and a bet.

Not anymore.

2,153 posted on 01/19/2021 8:35:43 AM PST by RitaOK (Viva Christo Rey! Publik Skules/Academia -> The Farm team, for moreyep. TMarxists coming. Infinitum.)
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