Maybe, just maybe, as events unfold this week, we will gain more credibility to those who aren't listening. As the people we've been trying to guide realize we knew a little sumpin' they will be more willing to bend. I convinced my mom and dad to hold off because they saw I had some insight when this first hit.
I have been wondering if President Trump isn't keeping the vax production down in order to get thru this time. After he's inaugurated for T2 I think truth will be easier to obtain about both the vax and the virus lie.
I hope my aunt will finally be able to understand. She believes what is on fake news. 😒
#2685 my Biological Father paased in November, they claim it was the bug but he got pneumonia and had cronic heart problems.
My MIL is on hospice with the bug. Probably will pass in the next few days.
Both contracted it in the Reirement homes they live in.
I still won’t get the vax.
55 acknowledged deaths in the US from a vaccine that is said not to prevent but only to lessen symptoms of a virus that has an almost 99% survival rate sounds a bridge to far for me. I recognize Covid will make me sick with a longer recoup period than a younger person but most flu would do somewhat the same.
Those at risk with co morbidity need protected and treated with any early symptoms as we should do for them with any virus.