I am not posting the full article.
Here is the link. https://prayingmedic.com/2020/11/27/the-crisis-is-over-im-returning-to-normal/
The Crisis is Over—I’m Returning to Normal
by Praying Medic
It’s been three weeks since the 2020 election and many people feel like they’ve been riding on an emotional roller-coaster. It has been an honor to stand beside patriots who stood fast, firm in their convictions, and refused to surrender their hope for the future of our nation.
The path for President Trump to obtain enough votes in the electoral college to win re-election has now been revealed. The effort hinges on the public exposure of election fraud in hearings that began last Wednesday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and continue next week in Arizona on Monday and Michigan on Tuesday.
Great article! Thank you for sharing and for Praying Medic’s optimism and insight.