Rudy's team has the same prize-winning scriptwriter that Trump himself had in 2015-16. Every time Trump said something outrageous, the press couldn't help themselves. For their own ratings, they had to report it. And up went Trump's name recognition and popularity.
Without Rudy sweating blood and Jenna Ellis having said awful things about Trump in 2016 and Lin Wood spouting off and this supposed rift in the legal team, how would the hoi polloi even know that Rudy's team exists?
The personalities -- and people's opinion of them -- don't matter. All that matters is that eyes will focused on the Trump team's legal dump on Friday. It's going to be glorious!
Rudy’s team has the same prize-winning scriptwriter that Trump himself had in 2015-16.
It’s all a movie.
Trying to restrain myself from shouting here, but losing the effort...
Who is going to be fastest at chasing it down?