It’s surmised that Sidney Powell is special counsel assigned by Sessions/Barr to investigate. She is working for Gov’t or US Military. She is also from Durham. Double meanings apply?
Can they assign a special counsel on the QT?
“KRAKEN” is a CIA Hacking Program
Geller Report ^ | November 22, 2020 | Pamela Geller
Posted on 11/22/2020, 3:07:33 PM by E. Pluribus Unum
Developing story.…..standby for updates.
Kraken is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions of other nations & enemies.
#Breaking #BreakingNews
🚨💥🚨#Wikileaks has dumped 8,761 CIA Documents on Tuesday revealing CIA base in #Frankfurt #Germany which was used to hack elections incl “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated docs.->
— Alpha OmegaEnergy “The Energy Kraken” (@AOECOIN) November 14, 2020
Wikileaks has dumped 8,761 CIA Documents on Tuesday revealing CIA base in Frankfurt #Germany which was used to hack elections incl “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated docs.->
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt as starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China & Middle East. German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees & Secret Service employees.
“It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.
It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught.”
“This may be why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation rumored in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion-Scytl hacking operation the night of the election!”
Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, it is the....
To: Yo-Yo
and who replaced Chris Krebs (post-firing) at the Soufan Center’s GLOBAL SERURITY FORUM on Wed 18 Nov?
none other than...JOHN BRENNAN.
3h05m15s to 3h33m57s: NEXT: Fireside Chat: Foreign interferene and Election, John Brennan, former director, CIA with Kevin Baron, Executive Editor, Defense One
Baron, Defense One(paraphrasing): second SUBSTITUTE analyst, JOHN BRENNAN, because of Krebs’ firing last night. Baron: initial reaction re firing, echoes of Watergate, silence any opposition.
VIDEO: 3:58:04: Soufan Center: Global Security Forum 16-19 November Day 3
same video above: the second substitute for KREBS at Global Security Forum:
VIDEO: 2:34:08 to 3:00:20 NEXT: Renewing American Leadership: Gen. John R. Allen (Ret), President The Brookings Institution, with Kevin Baron, Defense One.
(paraphrasing) Baron: late scheduling, due to firing of Chris Krebs. we wish him well. incoming Biden admin etc. partial withdrawals from Afghanistan & Iraq - how possible is that, in a safe way, to do?
Allen: these decisions are being made truly in the 59th minute to midnight(sic) in this admin; I think election is settled in most everyone’s minds, except a few folks. what does this mean for NATO & our NATO allies? did we confer with them? my guess is we didn’t. what does it mean for defense contractors, NGOs. CHINA. opportunities for Biden. can’t just be confrontation; we can co-operate on climate change, for instance. Allen ends with best wishes to KREBS for his moral courage in taking a stand.
from original schedule:
Global Security Forum Agenda (Soufan Center)
(scroll down) Day 3 Wednesday, 18 November
Theme: The impact of disinformation & the evolving nature of the global information environment
10 a.m. EST: Fireside Chat “Foreign interference and election meddline” with Director ***CHRISTOPHER C. KREBS, Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and moderated by Kevin Baron, Executive, Defense One.
17 posted on 11/22/2020, 3:19:10 PM by MAGAthon
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Captain7seas to jmclemore
Digest this:
Sidney Powell retweeted Praying Medic’s theory of what the Kraken is
11/22/2020, 2:59:35 PM · 92 of 101
Captain7seas to littleharbour
I think this deserves re-posting. Open the link and scroll all the way down to Comments where you will find the comment by Gene.
Checkout this article for a general explanation of the Release the Kraken Cyber Exploit (used to hack into a computer system):
Release the Kraken: Fileless injection into Windows Error Reporting service
Posted: October 6, 2020 by Threat Intelligence Team Last updated: October 9, 2020
55 posted on 11/22/2020, 2:11:50 PM by Wish2Post (The Kraken is well-known in the cyber-security arena.)
Gene • 2 days ago
The “Kraken” is actually a DoD-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state.
Kinda makes sense to me as I have wondered just how did Sidney come to have all the evidence she claims to have within a day of the election? I think Gen. Flynn still has some buds embedded in the right places and payback is going to be sweet.
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35 posted on 11/22/2020, 3:32:09 PM by Captain7seas (UN EXIT!)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
OK, but just because there is (or was) a CIA program entitled KRAKEN does not mean that Sidney Powell was referring to that one when she said “release the Kraken”.
However, there has been someone on the Internet (sorry, do not have time to look for link, maybe someone else knows what I am talking about) saying that the raid and capture of computers in Frankfurt most likely concerned CIA computers. This could have been handled by US Army. A US Army raid on a private company in Frankfurt would have raised an almighty stink in Germany. The Wikileaks document proves that the CIA at least had a computer centre in Frankfurt involved in election interference.
38 posted on 11/22/2020, 3:33:58 PM by ScaniaBoy (Part of the Right Wing Research & Attack Machine)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Sidney Powell retweeted a series of Praying Medic tweets describing the human factor in play in the Kraken, in addition to the CIA’s primary participation. The series of Praying Medic’s posts she retweeted are on Sidney’s page, and if you scroll down, she starts the relevant reweets with this post:
42 posted on 11/22/2020, 3:36:45 PM by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
To: whistleduck
Lots of detail here:
Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA: WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA agents were given cover identities and diplomatic passports to enter the country. The base was used to develop hacking tools as part of the CIA’s massive digital arsenal.
click on pic.twitter link
If you’re writing about the CIA/@Wikileaks story, here’s the big deal: first public evidence USG secretly paying to keep US software unsafe.— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) March 7, 2017
49 posted on 11/22/2020, 3:51:10 PM by true believer forever (Fight the Attacks against Trump: PLANT YOUR FEET, LEAN INTO IT, BEAT IT BACK. )
To: E. Pluribus Unum
My guess is that the hacking center in Frankfort was a CIA operation, and it’s cover got blown up, because they interfered in US elections. There are still many Brennan moles burrowed in. The bigger question is who outed the CIA’s server farm?
My guess, and it’s totally speculative, is that we’re seeing a war playout between the DIA and the CIA. DIA is PO’d about Flynn and what was done to him. It also explains why SOCOM now reports directly to the SECDEF as the military chain of command has become corrupted with Brennan moles. This raid was obviously carried out by the US military, and appears to have caught the CIA with their pants down. The orders and execution of this raid, apparently bypassed the National Military Command structure. For the CIA, it would be child’s play to game the electronic voting machines, and it’s likely it will be difficult to prove, as one of the prime directives of the CIA is to layer their operations for plausible deniability. /tin foil hat off
55 posted on 11/22/2020, 4:04:50 PM by krogers58
That’s a big possibility I hadn’t considered! ThankQ for the post!