There was a move toward scrubbers but it failed to materialize in the American fleet. I think the Canuks have one or two. Seeing the Obama mandate coming, many refineries that depended on the steamship trade to take away their N6, shifted to producing a veriety of asphalt products.
The Husky plant in Superior, WI moved to making roofing flux shortly before the explosion two years ago. Rebuilding the plant has taken a very long time...
Now, Husky has sold its facility to another Canadian firm...
I remember going along up to Duluth to Halversons to pick up a load of snow machines when I was a senior in high school.
We eta at a pretty good place along the bottom street and it started to rain. A real nasty thunderstorm. Was the first time I got to see manhole covers blow and parked cars slide down the street sideways.