Could it be that the testing swabs are contaminated?
There are increased COVID-19 in healthcare workers in Illinois, who are passing it on to the residents. They have to be tested on a regular basis.
Seems suspicious to have “hotspots” pop up, especially in conservative rural counties.
I live in what was one time, the most conservative large county in America. Now, not even close...they went for Hillary\Obama\Obama\Kerry in the last 4. Repubs used to run unopposed...not no more.
I was in an emergency room room for 6 hours 23:00 to 5 the next a.m. before being admitted. The emergency area was pretty much empty.
They gave me a COVID test...If I was positive, I would go to some isolation ward, if not, I would go to the cardiac section.
They gave me the test, then they made my wife leave the room, go out to the car (freezing out) , and wait to hear from them.
She gets a call, comes back to the room, a nurse comes back in with a swab to retest me...they lost my 1st test swab. I’m the only freaking one there...
It was ok for my wife to stay in the room this time.
Some whacked-out stuff going on