Remember that the CCP seriously persecuted Falun Gong, and many ended up in concentration camps, and were allegedly killed for their organs.
A lot fled abroad who could, including to the U.S. I have also run into local Falun Gong groups in Taiwan and Vietnam (they hang out at the tourist sites passing out their literature and bottles of water—they are actually almost “too nice,” if that makes sense).
In the U.S. they have a lot of ventures, including the Epoch Times (which always refers to Covid as the “CCP virus”) and other media. Basically if you read or hear any news story talking about the CCP virus, that originates from Falun Gong. They are also supported by or tied to folks like Guo, Bannon, Gordon Chang, etc. They also are the producers of the Shen Yun Dance Company programs that have been regularly going around the U.S. for a few years now. They actually have a ton of money from believers that support the organization.
I’m pretty sure they also have been supporting the Chinese dissident medical researcher from Hong Kong that has published her stories that the virus is a bio-weapon which was intentionally let out of the Wuhan lab. You can tell from the way she presents her story, which I think is largely accurate up until she says the CCP intentionally released the virus.
I’m not saying these folks aren’t right, just that they have a big axe to grind with the CCP so you have to realize that when you are reading their stuff.
(My own take on Covid after looking at everything is that it did escape out of the lab, but it was an inadvertent release, not intentional. The CCP’s dramatic reaction when they realized what was happening, including using the PLA to totally isolate Wuhan, shows they knew it wasn’t just some virus coming out of a wet market.)
A solid, reputable Falun Gong source on China.
(Doubt she’d carry a story like this though.)
The initial Wuhan reportage in the West (scenes of people just keeling over, people in full hazmat suits trying to help them) cemented THE FEAR instantly. Provided a golden opportunity to lock down law-abiding Americans in their homes while the Democrats' shock troops -- Antifa and BLM -- owned the vacant streets, offered a chance for an obviously unwell Joe Biden to campaign from his basement, wrecked an economy that had been surging like never before.
How did ANY of this obvious post-impeachment plan NOT benefit the Democrats, the Deep State, and the New World Order?
It's why their bought-and-paid-for media SCREAMS when Trump downplays wearing a mask.
Masks are all they have now to keep THE FEAR going.