I have questions. When Biden was VP, did he have any sway to get policies the CCP wanted or did he have to go to Nobama to get things done? OR - did the CCP bribe Biden all these years (30?) hoping he would become President at some point?
I have questions. When Biden was VP, did he have any sway to get policies the CCP wanted or did he have to go to Nobama to get things done? OR - did the CCP bribe Biden all these years (30?) hoping he would become President at some point?
I don’t know nuttin but no way would the CCP pay out $$$ hoping that Bitem MIGHT do something in the future. Evidence shows from what little I know, they got stuff then and there, such as, if the Chinee Lude news is accurate, names of numerous CIA assets in China. I am 100% 0b0la knew/was in on it. What can the VP do on his own re: foreign countries getting bennies?