The problem with our Two Party system today is the same problem we recognized in the 1920s-1980s, Communism.
One of our two major parties today is Communist. Stalinist in nature.
We already have civil war and secessionist movements today and they are coming from the Left with approval from the Democrat party and the Democrat media.
The problem with our Two Party system, IMO, is that it pits one group against another. I’m with Washington in that I believe it’s bad for our form of government. The rich and powerful use division among people to remain in power and to become even richer.
As one on the Right, I will say the same thing about secession now that I said about it before.
Let them go. We will all be happier for it.
Besides, the Founders intended - as did the states when they ratified the constitution - that each state retained the power to leave, to “resume the powers of government” delegated to the federal government whenever they chose to do so.
Some states might themselves split up but just imagine the Left Coast (not the whole states of California, Oregon and Washington but their coastal strips) and the acela corridor going their separate ways from Occupied Northern Virginia up through Maine encompassing Philly and NYC which would break off from Pennsylvania and New York State. Imagine Maryland, Deleware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Vermont, Maine, Hawaii and Massachussets gone. Imagine the left leaning areas of Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York State gone with them. Imagine Everything north of Orange County up through Oakland plus the Willamette Valley plus Seattle gone.
OH MY GOD would we be better off. All the whining, the socialism, the globalism, the poisonous Ivy League etc all gone. That’d be at least 24 Democrat Senators gone. It would be a similar story in the House. The only thing we’d have to do is build walls to prevent Leftists from trying to sneak back in after their socialist experiment failed.
Both are socialist. One party is Marxist