Thank you, Jim Robinson, for again instructing certain posters(trolls etc) the rules of Free Republic. I have upped my monthly donation more than double.
I have not replied in ages on here or on the forum. I have been lurking everyday to get all the latest Q news.
Been extremely busy with renovations of my home of almost 30 years, also renovations at and moving into my childhood home plus renovation of two building on the property. The last 3 months have been exhausting to say the least. So much accumulation of stuff to decide what to keep and what to give away. I still have so much to do so probably will keep lurking for awhile.
With this “plandemic” it has been difficult getting all coordinated! I thank God that Free Republic and the Q thread is my go to place for the latest....
Special thanks to Ransomnote! Bagster and everyone, please keep doing what you do because I learn so much from all of you!
Barr - Operation Legend.
BAM— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 19, 2020