Juan Williams states the dems are no more responsible for antifa violence than Trump is responsible for all the Q violence.
More evidence of a false flag event coming.
They have to get Q into the public consciousness, before they can launch the false flag.
The last one didn’t work. I believe it was on the Hoover Dam, and didn’t make many waves.
It'll be a big one - maybe a two-fer like ole gropin Joe assassinated. Trash Q like Oklahoma City trashed the militias and provide a vehicle to replace the dementiafool.
IMO their ability to pull off false flags has been reduced. The MKUltra ops appear to have been shut down. Same with Islamic terror cells. But they can still do damage. They just have to rely on different methods.
Well, Qanon is getting a lot of attention beyond the trees tonight.
Gonna have to shake me up a dirty martini for the fun.