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To: Tobias Grimsley; WildHighlander57; bitt; thinden; little jeremiah; fedupjohn; Trump Girl Kit Cat; ..
36,843 so-called New Cases Today -- LOWEST SINCE June 22nd, near the start of the "Revised" Reporting Methodology, which includes "Probables" and Less Reliable Tests with many FALSE POSITIVES.

Sundays are always lower, but today was 44% LESS THAN THE PEAK SUNDAY, which was 4 weeks ago (7/19).

I consider this a breakout (downside) because recent days have only been running 20%-30% below their respective day-of-week peaks, so today the downward trend is accelerating.

Incidentally, the New Cases in Florida and Texas, and to some degree California, are taking a nosedive ... indicating the Southern Crest of the Traveling Chinavirus Wave has probably moved south of the border, which appears to be confirmed by looking at the data from Mexico (such as it is).

1. United States CHINAVIRUS Confirmed Cases through about mid-June			
2. Highly (and Deliberately) Contaminated Data from mid-June Forward			
(contaminated with antibody-test, duplicates, false positives and dubious "Probables")			
3. Another Layer of Fraud in both deaths and Cases was added 7/28

Date      	New	 Total   	New Linear Model
        	Cases	 Cases      	Since
           	Actual + FAKE      	5/9/2020
3/14/2020		 2,717 	
3/15/2020	 761 	 3,478 	
3/16/2020	 1,167 	 4,645 	
3/17/2020	 1,717 	 6,362 	
3/18/2020	 1,407 	 7,769 	
3/19/2020	 5,911 	 13,680 	
3/20/2020	 5,605 	 19,285 	
3/21/2020	 7,462 	 26,747 	
3/22/2020	 8,478 	 35,225 	
3/23/2020	11,107 	 46,332 	
3/24/2020	 8,816 	 55,148 	
3/25/2020	13,870 	 69,018 	
3/26/2020	16,635 	 85,653 	
3/27/2020	19,363 	 105,016 	
3/28/2020	19,448 	 124,464 	
3/29/2020	17,892 	 142,356 	
3/30/2020	22,003 	 164,359 	
3/31/2020	25,151 	 189,510 	
4/1/2020	27,005 	 216,515 	
4/2/2020	28,698 	 245,213 	
4/3/2020	32,740 	 277,953 	
4/4/2020	34,123 	 312,076 	
4/5/2020	25,544 	 337,620 	
4/6/2020	30,576 	 368,196 	
4/7/2020	31,916 	 400,112 	
4/8/2020	32,020 	 432,132 	
4/9/2020	33,618 	 465,750 	
4/10/2020	35,551 	 501,301 	
4/11/2020	31,942 	 533,243 	
4/12/2020	27,289 	 560,532 	
4/13/2020	26,623 	 587,155 	
4/14/2020	26,937 	 614,092 	
4/15/2020	30,468 	 644,560 	
4/16/2020	35,221 	 679,781 	
4/17/2020	30,550 	 710,331 	
4/18/2020	29,521 	 739,852 	
4/19/2020	24,413 	 764,265 	
4/20/2020	28,648 	 792,913 	
4/21/2020	32,128 	 825,041 	
4/22/2020	24,051 	 849,092 	
4/23/2020	37,617 	 886,709 	
4/24/2020	38,329 	 925,038 	
4/25/2020	35,858 	 960,896 	
4/26/2020	26,426 	 987,322 	
4/27/2020	23,185 	 1,010,507 	
4/28/2020	25,258 	 1,035,765 	
4/29/2020	28,807 	 1,064,572 	
4/30/2020	30,638 	 1,095,210 	
5/1/2020	36,242 	 1,131,452 	
5/2/2020	29,312 	 1,160,764 	
5/3/2020	27,358 	 1,188,122 	
5/4/2020	24,778 	 1,212,900 	
5/5/2020	24,763 	 1,237,663 	
5/6/2020	25,520 	 1,263,183 	
5/7/2020	29,440 	 1,292,623 	
5/8/2020	29,162 	 1,321,785 	
5/9/2020	25,524 	 1,347,309 	 1,347,309 
5/10/2020	20,329 	 1,367,638 	 1,369,669 
5/11/2020	18,196 	 1,385,834 	 1,392,029 
5/12/2020	22,802 	 1,408,636 	 1,414,389 
5/13/2020	21,712 	 1,430,348 	 1,436,749 
5/14/2020	27,245 	 1,457,593 	 1,459,109 
5/15/2020	26,692 	 1,484,285 	 1,481,469 
5/16/2020	23,488 	 1,507,773 	 1,503,829 
5/17/2020	19,891 	 1,527,664 	 1,526,189 
5/18/2020	22,630 	 1,550,294 	 1,548,549 
5/19/2020	20,279 	 1,570,573 	 1,570,909 
5/20/2020	22,466 	 1,593,039 	 1,593,269 
5/21/2020	27,863 	 1,620,902 	 1,615,629 
5/22/2020	24,192 	 1,645,094 	 1,637,989 
5/23/2020	21,734 	 1,666,828 	 1,660,349 
5/24/2020	19,608 	 1,686,436 	 1,682,709 
5/25/2020	19,790 	 1,706,226 	 1,705,069 
5/26/2020	19,049 	 1,725,275 	 1,727,429 
5/27/2020	20,528 	 1,745,803 	 1,749,789 
5/28/2020	22,658 	 1,768,461 	 1,772,149 
5/29/2020	25,069 	 1,793,530 	 1,794,509 
5/30/2020	23,290 	 1,816,820 	 1,816,869 
5/31/2020	20,350 	 1,837,170 	 1,839,229 
6/1/2020	22,153 	 1,859,323 	 1,861,589 
6/2/2020	21,882 	 1,881,205 	 1,883,949 
6/3/2020	20,578 	 1,901,783 	 1,906,309 
6/4/2020	22,268 	 1,924,051 	 1,928,669 
6/5/2020	41,657 	 1,965,708 	 1,951,029 
6/6/2020	22,876 	 1,988,584 	 1,973,389 
6/7/2020	18,825 	 2,007,409 	 1,995,749 
6/8/2020	19,084 	 2,026,493 	 2,018,109 
6/9/2020	19,056 	 2,045,549 	 2,040,469 
6/10/2020	20,852 	 2,066,401 	 2,062,829 
6/11/2020	23,300 	 2,089,701 	 2,085,189 
6/12/2020	27,221 	 2,116,922 	 2,107,549 
6/13/2020	25,302 	 2,142,224 	 2,129,909 
6/14/2020	19,920 	 2,162,144 	 2,152,269 
6/15/2020	20,806 	 2,182,950 	 2,174,629 
6/16/2020	25,450 	 2,208,400 	 2,196,989 
6/17/2020	25,971 	 2,234,371 	 2,219,349 
6/18/2020	29,280 	 2,263,651 	 2,241,709 
6/19/2020	33,539 	 2,297,190 	 2,264,069 
6/20/2020	33,388 	 2,330,578 	 2,286,429 
6/21/2020	26,079 	 2,356,657 	 2,308,789 
6/22/2020	31,496 	 2,388,153 	 2,331,149 
6/23/2020	36,015 	 2,424,168 	 2,353,509 
6/24/2020	38,386 	 2,462,554 	 2,375,869 
6/25/2020	42,034 	 2,504,588 	 2,398,229 
6/26/2020	48,368 	 2,552,956 	 2,420,589 
6/27/2020	43,581 	 2,596,537 	 2,442,949 
6/28/2020	40,540 	 2,637,077 	 2,465,309 
6/29/2020	44,734 	 2,681,811 	 2,487,669 
6/30/2020	46,042 	 2,727,853 	 2,510,029 
7/1/2020	52,100 	 2,779,953 	 2,532,389 
7/2/2020	57,236 	 2,837,189 	 2,554,749 
7/3/2020	53,399 	 2,890,588 	 2,577,109 
7/4/2020	45,182 	 2,935,770 	 2,599,469 
7/5/2020	47,158 	 2,982,928 	 2,621,829 
7/6/2020	57,905 	 3,040,833 	 2,644,189 
7/7/2020	56,251 	 3,097,084 	 2,666,549 
7/8/2020	61,848 	 3,158,932 	 2,688,909 
7/9/2020	61,067 	 3,219,999 	 2,711,269 
7/10/2020	71,787 	 3,291,786 	 2,733,629 
7/11/2020	63,860 	 3,355,646 	 2,755,989 
7/12/2020	58,349 	 3,413,995 	 2,778,349 
7/13/2020	65,488 	 3,479,483 	 2,800,709 
7/14/2020	65,594 	 3,545,077 	 2,823,069 
7/15/2020	71,670 	 3,616,747 	 2,845,429 
7/16/2020	78,278 	 3,695,025 	 2,867,789 
7/17/2020	74,987 	 3,770,012 	 2,890,149 
7/18/2020	63,259 	 3,833,271 	 2,912,509 
7/19/2020	65,279 	 3,898,550 	 2,934,869 
7/20/2020	62,879 	 3,961,429 	 2,957,229 
7/21/2020	67,140 	 4,028,569 	 2,979,589 
7/22/2020	72,306 	 4,100,875 	 3,001,949 
7/23/2020	69,116 	 4,169,991 	 3,024,309 
7/24/2020	78,336 	 4,248,327 	 3,046,669 
7/25/2020	67,382 	 4,315,709 	 3,069,029 
7/26/2020	56,130 	 4,371,839 	 3,091,389 
7/27/2020	61,571 	 4,433,410 	 3,113,749 
7/28/2020	64,933 	 4,498,343 	 3,136,109 
7/29/2020	69,694 	 4,568,037 	 3,158,469 
7/30/2020	66,948 	 4,634,985 	 3,180,829 
7/31/2020	70,904 	 4,705,889 	 3,203,189 
8/1/2020	58,429 	 4,764,318 	 3,225,549 
8/2/2020	49,294 	 4,813,612 	 3,247,909 
8/3/2020	48,562 	 4,862,174 	 3,270,269 
8/4/2020	56,246 	 4,918,420 	 3,292,629 
8/5/2020	55,148 	 4,973,568 	 3,314,989 
8/6/2020	58,611 	 5,032,179 	 3,337,349 
8/7/2020	63,345 	 5,095,524 	 3,359,709 
8/8/2020	54,199 	 5,149,723 	 3,382,069 
8/9/2020	49,721 	 5,199,444 	 3,404,429 
8/10/2020	52,002 	 5,251,446 	 3,426,789 
8/11/2020	54,511 	 5,305,957 	 3,449,149 
8/12/2020	54,345 	 5,360,302 	 3,471,509 
8/13/2020	55,364 	 5,415,666 	 3,493,869 
8/14/2020	60,600 	 5,476,266 	 3,516,229 
8/15/2020	53,523 	 5,529,789 	 3,538,589 
8/16/2020	36,843 	 5,566,632 	 3,560,949 
8/17/2020             			 3,583,309 
8/18/2020	        		 3,605,669 
8/19/2020           			 3,628,029 
8/20/2020	         		 3,650,389 
8/21/2020	          		 3,672,749 
8/22/2020	          		 3,695,109 
8/23/2020	           		 3,717,469 
8/24/2020	        		 3,739,829 

801 posted on 08/16/2020 7:05:23 PM PDT by Disestablishmentarian (The next war has already started.)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

I liked the numbers today too, in general. Hoping for follow through.

815 posted on 08/16/2020 7:46:56 PM PDT by SaxxonWoods (Prediction: G. Maxwell will surprise everyone by not dying anytime soon.)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

I like that new number. Headed in the right direction.
Thank you

822 posted on 08/16/2020 7:58:12 PM PDT by TheConservativeParty (MAGA)
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To: Disestablishmentarian

Sounds as though even with their fakery they can’t prop it up any more.

825 posted on 08/16/2020 8:02:29 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the Thanks.virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: Disestablishmentarian


Fig. 1 Disestablishmentarian data

871 posted on 08/16/2020 9:35:13 PM PDT by foldspace (Hillary is still not a >convicted< criminal...)
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