One item in this information strikes me as a critical weapon that we as FreeQs have as digital soldiers.
Excerpt from drop:
9. Eliminate ability to find peace strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
Our enemies in the natural world do not have an understanding of us as the church. They think the building and the gathering is the church. They do not understand that we as individuals and together are the church. We have the Holy Spirit of God with us in every place at every moment. Christ in us, the Hope of Glory.
Throughout the history of the church it has been in adverse conditions that the church, the body of Christ, has become stronger, has flourished! Q's point number 9 of their plan is a huge mistake for derps. It is our opportunity as believers and prayer warriors to exploit to the fullest.
We're assigned to go to social media to spread truth. Jesus is truth, light and hope. What better time to spread abroad that hope than during this time of fear and isolation? God WINS! The enemy's game theory backfires on this one.
Keep singing those praises! Keep spreading the good news. Never think that because they close the doors of our church buildings that they've stopped the Body of Christ. For my FreeQ Friends who are Christians, let this be the time when He shines through you the most! Never give in to the enemy's design that your closed church door stops you from being The Church.
This enemy is defeated. They royally miscalculated on this point.
Great observation!