Now bags, no profanity please. Some of us speak Spanish.
!Chingoa, mamasota!
Had to administer that lesson to a member of a Mexican team at a Baseball tournament I umpired some years ago.
The players, the coaches and most of all the two buses full of fans they brought were rockin' the joint in Espanol and then this one kid comes up to the plate, yaps a bit at me, the catcher and everybody else in earshot then stands there with the bat anchored on his shoulder lookin' at two straight-down-the-middle fastballs.
The lad yaps a bit more, throws dirty look at me and then the pitcher, waves the bat a bit....and then stands there and looks at another shot in the wheelhouse.
"Puta," he says.
I responded, "No, es una gran puta gorda, pero sigue siendo una huelga."
The rest of that game was the best combination of good baseball and well-behaved fans you could imagine.
Oh....are you from Spain?