WHEREAS, the governor is responsible for meeting the dangers to the state and people presented by disasters under Section 418.011 of the Texas Government Code, and the legislature has given the governor broad authority to fulfill that responsibility; and
Im pretty sure our legislators are gonna butter his toast. If not, they can go suck eggs in the next election as well.
The Democrats have gone so crazy, it leaves a lot of space for Republicans to screw us over. Where you going to go? Boy, we showed those republicans! We'll end up like Virginia and Kentucky, with our weapons taken away and Republicans moving left to get the "centrist" vote, cause errbody knows the reason they lost was they were too right wing.
It was the same thing with Obama/McCain/Romney, although McCain and Romney would have done as much damage as Obama, while destroying the Republican party like Obama did the Democrats.
So, except for Trump, we're back to the old game of holding our nose to pick the least smelly pile of feces.