exactly, Lincoln is to associated with the Republican party, can't have a holiday associated with the Republican party.
My gut feeling is after the military Emancipation Proclamation that Juneteenth is about, I wonder if they rounded up the free slaves and conscripted them to work for the Union Army. The Union couldn't legally steal the slaves for cheap labor but they could free them and then conscript them to work for the yankees. ;)
Are you kidding? It celebrates EMANCIPATION. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclimation, this day, although I hate the name Juneteenth, it should be called Emancipation Day, celebrates the implementation of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclimation and the culmination of why he believed the Union should pay such a terrible cost to fight the Civil War. How can anyone believe a holiday celebrating Emancipation is not tied to Lincoln.
Here’s another Lincoln quote you guys should study: “Beter to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt”.