It’s funny that they used the “take a knee” symbolism when that was exactly what Officer Chauvin did.
Its funny that they used the take a knee symbolism when that was exactly what Officer Chauvin did.
Whoa...that’s what the Dems have been doing for decades to the black community.
Its funny that they used the take a knee symbolism when that was exactly what Officer Chauvin did.@@@@@@@@
Symbolism WILL be their downfall! Most people dont understand what they dont research. The local school district was under a Desegregation Settlement for many, many years. One of the requirements was an accurate Minority/Majority student count for funding through the courts.
Federal funding for schools are based on both individual student counts and student enrollment percentages depending upon which money pot the funds are coming from as well as socioeconomic profiles and percentages.
For the Desegregation case students had only TWO categories, Minority Black and Majority. Because of the court settlement any race/ethnicity other than Black is basically treated as Majority White to satisfy Federal, State, and Court definitions under the law.
Keep this in mind when looking at all Federal Statistics. You will see crime stats broken out by ethnicity, college admissions by same. Yet public K-12 education stats are always Minority/Majority.
Since many of these lib protesters and politicians are former educators this is the way they think and write laws at all levels of government. Lawyers do the same since Affirmative Action legislature is similarly written. Without this knowledge one is always talking Apples to Oranges with these people. When discussing stats be sure you both have decided what the meaning of Is Is.
Another often missed item is the interchange of EQUAL and EQUITY! These are also two TOTALLY DIFFERENT legal terms. ONE MUST NOT ALLOW THESE TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR EACH OTHER!
EQUALITY means equal opportunities under the Constitution and the law, regardless of different outcome.
EQUITY in the law concerning education and often used in the PC speak of progressives means equal everything! Equal grades, equal outcomes, and is intended to lead to COLLECTIVISM! This is also the basis of the progressive Hive Mind behind the Systemic Racism movements.
Read the writings and biographies of W.E.B DuBois and see the author of the Systemic Racism Faith. It is not enough to know your personal stance, and though one may not be able to walk a mile in anothers shoes, one CAN educate oneself through anothers writings and news of the day to begin to understand their beliefs and the underlying reason for their faith.
Make no mistake liberalism and progressivism, BLM, Antifa, etc are all literally religious faiths more than political beliefs. If they were merely political beliefs there would be room for or areas of compromise. The new left whatever their cover story CANNOT LIVE UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION AS CURRENTLY WRITTEN or under The Rule of Law.
This is indeed a fight for the future of our country, but under the rule of law, the Constitution, and with the guidance of Almighty God WE WILL PREVAIL.