Here is the RR White Hat Case:
1) Mueller did not ultimately harm Trump at all. Lots of SMOKE ... BUT NO FIRE
2) RR wrote the memo to FIRE COMEY.
3) In the shitstorm that was already raging, THIS ACT (firing Comey) would have put McCabe in charge of the "Investigation." The Mueller SC cut this off, and made the RATS like it!
4) Mueller not only Quarantined the Russia, Russia ... but ultimately EXONERATED TRUMP.
5) Trump mysteriously seemed okay with RR most of the time.
6) I don't really give a rat's ass what the people beyond the hedges are saying. THEY ARE THE ONES MISSING OUT ON HISTORY UNFOLDING BEFORE OUR EYES.
This one was always stuck in my memory.
Q post # 2512
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cc526f No.4093335
Nov 30 2018 22:21:58 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 457b96 No.4093224
Nov 30 2018 22:17:25 (EST)
Mueller removed via DECLAS
Mueller will face charges re: U1
He’s working to save himself.
Mueller, RR, and the derp hit squad failed because there was not evidence. No case. Never was. RR assigned a SC to investigate something he knew was false.
Black hat.
2) RR wrote the memo to FIRE COMEY.
RR had no choice. Comey was going down either way. In order to remain in his position, he was jettisoned Comey, which ultimately made Trump look bad, not RR. RR was painted to look innocent and pure so he could survive in place and continue the derp plot. AND be in charge of it. There is no difference in the derp level between McCabe and RR. And RR had more juice anyway.
Black hat.
3) In the shitstorm that was already raging, THIS ACT (firing Comey) would have put McCabe in charge of the "Investigation." The Mueller SC cut this off, and made the RATS like it!
(see #2)
Black hat.
4) Mueller not only Quarantined the Russia, Russia ... but ultimately EXONERATED TRUMP.
No quarantine. There was a parallel House investigation(s) going one. Again, no case, no conviction. This investigation never had a chance from the gate. The fact that it went on so long was enough (in derp minds) to muddy Trump, stall, divert, influence the election, and protect the derps from Trump. And RR initiated it and quarterbacked it all until Barr whacked his peepee and fired his scrawny ass.
Black hat.
5) Trump mysteriously seemed okay with RR most of the time.
The Donald is an excellent actor. He's said nice things about Schumer and Pelosi when he's trying to work them. He seemingly goes along with Fauci and the derp rona naqrrative for tactical reasons, saying another thing through Q.
He said nothing but dirt on RR through Q. He gave no hint that RR or Mueller or the Mueller op were anything but derp.
Trump seemed to tolerate RR because he was trying very hard not to appear to be influencing him or the Mueller investigation.
Black hat.
6) I don't really give a rat's ass what the people beyond the hedges are saying. THEY ARE THE ONES MISSING OUT ON HISTORY UNFOLDING BEFORE OUR EYES.
Nor do I (give a rat's ass) and think they all could use a crack. And its not just those beyond our trees. This is a talking point way beyond the trees. It's one of their top reasons why NOTHING Q or Q people say is true.
But I acknowledge real things when they are real. Its a tactical thing. Us bloviating whimsical and making up fanciful tales out of air of how I wish it to be is bad tactically.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = Derp.
The case for RR white hat status is weak to non-existent. There is no credible evidence for it nor is there a credible reason that Trump would intentionally set up the whole thing just to 'spring a trap' on the derps. There is enough 'there, there' already, that the years wasted and damage done didn't justify the risk.
There was nothing to gain, and all to lose. Nobody's that stupid to make a bet like that.
Let's be smart.
I rest my case.
Every point also works to explain RR as a bad guy being forced to play a role.