Yes, the object of the game is to kill the other King, so that piece is the most important. That can happen with only a few pieces remaining or it can happen with all of the pieces still on the board. A King can be mated in four moves if His army is stupid (called the Fools Mate).
The Queen is the most powerful in the sense of freedom of movement, her power intensifies working in conjunction of other pieces. She can coordinate a strong defense protecting his majesty, but she excels in leading the charge to kill the opposing monarch. Often she sacrifices herself to attain the goal. She is fierce and selfless. All pieces are expendable in the quest except His Majesty.
The endgame starts when both Queens are removed. The King becomes more active, the pawns express their lust to expand and transform into a Queen, but occasionally circumstances dictate a Rook or Knight is the wiser reincarnation. It all depends on the board at the time.
44 was coronated in 08 and he seems to be the figurehead at least in the shadow government. His demise will bring down the kingdom. Pelosi, Hilldog, the Wookie, I dont see any of them as selfless. They defend the King as long as it serves their purposes. I proposed ValJar as the viper in the shadows, the strategist/assassin protecting her asset. The power she wields seems real.
Or so it seemed to me after a few adult beverages.
BTW, glad to see you here, Ive been enjoying your posts. Im smilingly awaiting Bags proposal to you. And maximum agreement on 45s chess skills.
Your post made me think about Qs post to follow the wives.
The wives are free to move around.