I heard it explained once though, that if a person has a chronic problem, and they get the virus, and they die, then they were killed by the virus. If it weren’t for the virus, they would be alive maybe only for weeks or months, but you can’t say they were not killed by the virus.
On the other hand I think they were classifying deaths as COVID when they never tested for it, I heard it claimed it was “unsafe” to take samples from the cadavers so they just buried them. At best it caused an under count of flu deaths, at worst they didn’t even bother to ascertain what killed them.
I think the “Truth” about Chinavirus mortality will emerge once the total deaths from ALL CAUSES can be shown for the year, as compared with prior years.
There shouldn’t be much controversy about counting deaths, just their classifications.
For example, if deaths from flu, pneumonia, diabetes, AIDS and emphysema are DOWN materially, then that probably means those deaths were re-labeled as Chinavirus deaths.
If the deaths from SUICIDE are UP, then that may be attributable to the ECONOMIC HOAX, but not the virus itself.
If automobile accidents are DOWN, I suppose it is fair to net that against the suicides; although, the LONG TERM EFFECTS of the ECONOMIC SUICIDE the LEFT HAS PERPETRATED on us will never completely be erased.
For example, if someone loses their home, their business, their marriage, their ability to buy medical care/vitamins/food or to participate in healthy exercise or sports ... perhaps loses their ability to go to college ... HOW ARE THESE WEIGHTED against the (obviously bogus) “Death count?”
On the other hand I think they were classifying deaths as COVID when they never tested for it, I heard it claimed it was unsafe to take samples from the cadavers so they just buried them.
Forensic medicine takes samples from cadavers all the time.
A former coroner explained it to me this way. The death certificate is a legal document (he’s a lawyer) and the legal standard is called “but-for”. That is, “but for” covid-19, would this person have died of the co-morbidity (heart disease, for example). If a person has had heart disease for years and has been getting along with meds, diet, etc, and then gets covid-19 and ends up dying, yes, there’s going to say that is a covid-19 death. Because but for the virus and its impact, the person would most likely still be alive, no worse off than before. To use a ridiculous example, if a person with covid-19 was hit by a truck, it would obviously be wrong to call that a covid-19 death.
There could be some fudging going on but there are also rules and precedent that make sense. I’d say without much doubt the inaccuracy of death reporting since the pandemic is vastly greater than before.