Thanks for link.
Difference is that Demsheviks are all bad, but not all Repubs. The Demshevik platform and positions are all bad, but not the R ones.
After reading that article, and the more I saw events unfold over the past few years, I stopped viewing things as R vs D and more of Ruling Class vs. We The People. There are some (not many) democrats and liberals who are on our side when you slice it this way, those who we tend to call “honest liberals”, but they are few and far between. I agree there are far more Republicans who support conservative principles, even if inconsistently and with a weak spine when the chips are down.
But the majority of Rs and Ds share a number of common beliefs, including globalism, the power of big government (look at how fast the R’s spent trillions), foreign wars and being the world’s policeman, sprinkling around government largess in return for polical favors and campaign money, the “good ole boy” network of backroom dealmaking, and a whole raft or crap science that they use to justify wasting money on the boondoggle of the day.
Trump emerged as one who came out of the ruling class but was not “of” it. Which is amazing in itself, and we are obviously blessed to have him. Because relying on Republicans was only going to end up going to the same place, just a little slower than if someone with a D after their name was at the helm. For example, Jeb Bush.