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To: bagster
Speaking of Flynn, that goes back to Q14: answer to Q14

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953)

1,095 posted on 05/12/2020 2:03:44 AM PDT by Ymani Cricket (America's glory is not dominion, but liberty - John Quincy Adams)
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To: Ymani Cricket
Speaking of Flynn, that goes back to Q14: answer to Q14.
United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953)

Stop making me work. I thought you knew I was lazy.

This post also has lots of FUTURE PROVES PAST juicy goss, as well.


Military Intelligence & State Secrets

31 Oct 2017 - 8:00:15 PM


Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?

1,098 posted on 05/12/2020 2:26:10 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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