You can always make "cowboy coffee" in a pot on the stove.
Cowboy covfefe sounds good. PM your recipe to me?
Bam Bam’s scot-free quote regarding General Flynn.
There is no precedent that anybody can find for somebody who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free, Mr. Obama said of the Justice Departments decision to drop charges against Michael T. Flynn.
Q posts with scot free and scott free
Q post #3925
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 110248 No.8736051
Apr 9 2020 14:21:27 (EST)
Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]?
Backchannels are important.
Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].
Q post # 2567
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d5ad32 No.4241560
Dec 10 2018 13:39:04 (EST)
Scott Free > WWG1WGA!!!
AF1 Code Change > Q 0 > Q+
Q/POTUS Twitter 0 Delta Exchanges
FAKE NEWS coordinated attacks [#2 only to POTUS]
How do you ‘safely’ & ‘securely’ communicate through a backchannel w/ the public and bypass the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?
How do you ‘safely’ & ‘securely’ communicate w/o breaking the law and violating NAT SEC?
Add multiple layers of ‘coincidences’ which mathematically proves legitimacy (standard deviation)<
At what point do people wake up?
Q post # 2565
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4442ef No.4198897
Dec 7 2018 12:47:50 (EST)
Scott Free = WWG1WGA
Q 0 = Q+
At what point do they WAKE UP?
Q post # 2543
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47afd3 No.4134233
Dec 3 2018 17:05:58 (EST)
The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media
Step 1:
Step 2:
Who is Scott Free?
Step 3:
White Squall
WWG1WGA (from the movie)
Thank you for playing.