Is there a screen shot of the higher number or is it just more of the hair on fire hoax panic false information going around? I’ve seen people claiming the CDC is making stuff up, based on the discrepancy, but if someone that wants to make those claims (for what ever reason) simply saw the two different numbers and confirmation-biased that into a conspiracy, it’s just more FluBro disinformation. In any case, the numbers on the site are clearly lagging and the reason for it is stated right there at the top of the site. In a week or three the numbers will be accurate for this most recent week but these same clowns will be claiming it’s a hoax because the week of 5/16 or 5/23 has a discrepancy. Because the whole world conspired to play an April Fool’s joke on some solipsist bonehead and it’s still going. Right.
I’m tired of chasing down people’s tinfoil just to find that it’s based on deliberate misrepresentation of the facts or bad math or simple reading comprehension failure.
I’ve already lost people to this and I am tired of the mentally deficient, self-absorbed, greedy, narcissistic, insouciant, solipsist retards playing games.
Weapons-grade ODD is not heroic or funny, it’s immature and selfish. Refusing to wear a mask because ‘mu rahts!’ is not heroic or funny, it’s selfish and immature. Shaming others for not wearing masks is not heroic or funny, it’s selfish and immature. Mocking people that are stepping up is not heroic or funny, it’s selfish and immature. Whining about your cancelled ski trip or pedicure is not heroic or funny, it’s selfish and immature.
So all those folks out there that think they are justified in putting others at risk and abuse statistics or cherry pick discrepancies without even trying to understand what they are reading are part of the problem and many are probably the enemy or looking for an early inheritance.
it says 78K here now
this said much lower last time I looked, 47,128 total right now
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19):