Killing off all the elderly helps with those Social Security and retirement checks. Everyone wins, except the dead.
Mexico City. -The Government of Mexico City installed 11 modules outside hospitals in which 88 public servants will offer companions information on the health status of patients who contracted Covid-19 and who have required hospitalization.
Getting rid of government liabilities is why Sweden is letting it go.
No efforts being made to really keep it out of their nursing homes, the workers are FORBIDDEN to wear masks or gloves or even use hand sanitizer. Because they don’t want to ‘frighten’ the residents. Washing their hands with soap is the only precaution allowed for the workers.
Also, nursing homes are FORBIDDEN to refer any residents to the hospital for CV symptoms. If you’re old enough/sick enough to be in a nursing home you’re death paneled. No treatments of any kind for you for CV.
I mean really, they have to find a way to pay for the ‘new immigrant 2nd wife’ and her 7 kids to live.