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To: Grimmy; easternsky; Tuscaloosa Goldfinch; A virtuous woman; nclaurel; MarineMom613; ...
I am just stealing time; terrified DH will catch me at my laptop... I hope everything copied right and the ~~~~~~ lines between tweets make it easier to read. Have to post now as news is moving fast fast fast. Lisa Mei tweets later... Freepmail me to get on/off this ping list.

Well well well, that was fast…

Fauci predicts coronavirus turnaround after this week- so soon? #Busted #TheMoreYouKnow— Karli Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@KarluskaP) April 8, 2020


And yet…. 1:28 video, "Decide now", what kind of harm, we wonders….

Consular Affairs’ Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brownlee warns Americans overseas should act now to get out of harm’s way. #AmericansHome— Department of State (@StateDept) April 8, 2020


Trump on WHO and CCP virus: "They called it wrong. They missed the call. They could have called it months earlier. They would have known. They should have known. And they probably did know. So we'll be looking into that very carefully."— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) April 7, 2020



BREAKING: In a White House memo, Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro recommended continuing the ban on travel from China for 12 months— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) April 8, 2020


Oh no, Truth Hammer's new account just in case:

I will keep using my primary account as long as possible. But friends of a certain party just bulk reported me to try and get me banned... so setting up this new starter account. Will not be tweeting here unless other account gets cut off.— realTruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@realTruthHammer) April 8, 2020


Original Truth Hammer account:

In the coming days attacks against Q will go up a to a whole new level. Remember patriots who told you the truth. RT & follow all🙏@andweknow @ChristinePolon1 @cjtruth @intheMatrixxx @Inevitable_ET @IPOT1776 @LisaMei62 @M2Madness @StormIsUponUs @Sun_Q_Tzu— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 8, 2020

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~— Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸 (@Scavino45) April 8, 2020


That means tonight:

AG Barr will be on Laura Ingraham show tomorrow night.— Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) April 8, 2020

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good! Even though article is Politico, interesting:

We seek justice throughout the nation. Yes, even in Utah, we will take on efforts by China to steal from the USA.— U.S. Attorney Huber (@USAttyHuber) April 7, 2020

Inside DOJ's nationwide effort to take on China
Federal prosecutors say the pandemic hasn't hindered their efforts to crack down on Chinese espionage.
The leadership of the Justice Department has put a bull’s-eye on the Chinese government, pushing prosecutors across the country to focus on investigations of Chinese state-backed efforts to steal intellectual property. The work involves investigations into American academics and work with U.S. universities, and department officials say their nationwide undertaking isn’t slowing it down. The department’s targets range from Chinese military officers to American college professors — evidence, its leadership says, that the Chinese government is targeting every sector of American public life. The Chinese government has denied allegations of state-sponsored theft, according to media reports, and its embassy in Washington did not respond to POLITICO’s requests for comment on this story.


GOOD: U.S. Senators call on U.N. chief to suspend 🇨🇳 #China from the U.N. Human Rights Council panel that will choose the world monitors on free speech, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances & health. We sounded the alarm, now things are moving.— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) April 7, 2020


Nasty nasty WHO:

Claws come out. True nature of WHO revealed.

WHO director tells Trump to back down “if you don’t want many more body bags.”

Trump is forcing them to expose themselves 👉
Dark to light 👉— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 8, 2020

WHO director hits back at Trump threat to defund agency ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How many vaccines will we trim down to, after the Patriots finish gutting the evil cabal control of medicine?

There is truth to vaccine science, but it has been abused and used as a trojan horse. If they're so safe... why do producers need immunity to prosecution?
[KNOWINGLY]— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 8, 2020


The strongest remaining concentration of Deep State power is the Chinese Communist Party, and our Democrats are their center of influence in the US government. #Covid19 was released after Biden became front-runner - one last desperate gamble to seize back power.— Joe M (@StormIsUponUs) April 8, 2020


You are witnessing the NWO doubling down on their LAST chance to stop Trump. Nothing else explains this.— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 8, 2020

:49 sec video of angry woman dx with cv and not tested! Warning lauguage:

You are witnessing the NWO doubling down on their LAST chance to stop Trump. Nothing else explains this.— TruthHammer⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TruthHammer888) April 8, 2020


Trump is again talking about looking into the WHO & their collusion with China in helping them cover up the truth about the virus & he is putting a hold on their funding 👀🔥— 😷 Don't Eat Bats 😷 (@k_ovfefe2) April 7, 2020


What the geniuses in the media were saying when they were accusing Trump of xenophobia for shutting down travel from China. Don’t let them retcon history. The media are experts at disinformation campaigns. WE HAVE RECEIPTS! 👇🏻— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) April 7, 2020 "width=500>

And of course the media is now defending WHO. They have to because they've been using the same bogus numbers. The WHO was told on December 29 Wuhan coronavirus was human-to-human transmissible. Nearly three weeks later, they tweeted it was not. China said the same.— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) April 7, 2020


2:01 video of a brave Chinese man:

"There is a price to pay for the progress of any country and society. Today I pay my price. I call for the dissolution of the Communist Party." A Sichuan citizen risked his life and published this video.
The latest #CCPvirus updates ➤— The Epoch Times - China Insider (@EpochTimesChina) April 7, 2020

981 posted on 04/08/2020 1:25:28 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: little jeremiah

looks like AZ Sen McSally is becoming much more assertive in supporting trump policies.

she’s all over TV shows recently.

sounds (to me) much better than recent AZ Rinos

1,013 posted on 04/08/2020 2:05:10 PM PDT by thinden (How many Barr haters across America are being paid by Soros to attack Barr.)
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To: little jeremiah

That is an amazing post, LJ. Thank you!

1,014 posted on 04/08/2020 2:05:11 PM PDT by John4.11 (Matthew 5:43-45 love your enemies, bless those who curse you)
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To: little jeremiah

*** BREAKING: In a White House memo, Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro recommended continuing the ban on travel from China for 12 months ***

make it a rolling 12 months.
say something like the: U.S. military introduced the virus and ...whammo ! clock gets reset to today.
1,028 posted on 04/08/2020 2:13:48 PM PDT by stylin19a (2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever)
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To: little jeremiah


Great dig!!!

1,247 posted on 04/08/2020 8:11:22 PM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((WildHighlander57 returning after lurking since 2000)
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To: little jeremiah; All

That last guy humbled me. Everyone should ask the Lord to look out for him. He is at the level of Tank block guy at Tiananmen Square.

1,452 posted on 04/09/2020 8:37:31 AM PDT by Axenolith (WWG1WGA!)
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