Okay here's what the democrats want, and this is why they are blocking the Senate bill. The Pork list is long.
OVER 1400 damn pages of this shithttps://t.co/3eghquoktJ— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) March 24, 2020
A NY Doctor shared with Hannity his Hydroxy
Chloroquine/Azithromycin results.
200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
500mg 1x daily Azithromycin
220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate
350 patients
Breathing restored 3-4 hours
Zero deaths
Zero hospitalizations
Zero intubations
1400 pages of Dem gimme blocking the Senate bill were likely written months ago waiting for just the right bill to attach to that would hurt and scare desperate Americans.