My son in NH says that some of his friends are now saying *Hey, this homeschooling stuff isn’t as bad as I thought it would be*.
Gotta love it.
Gotta love it.
My son is proudly telling me he is through Thursday now on his assignments. He is NOT normally the best student.
“My son in NH says that some of his friends are now saying *Hey, this homeschooling stuff isnt as bad as I thought it would be*.”
SWEET - there still may be a lot of good that comes out of this!
“My son in NH says that some of his friends are now saying *Hey, this homeschooling stuff isnt as bad as I thought it would be*.”
...and it starts making me wonder - when the schools re-open, maybe in August/September (if the pandemic ends early), will parents necessarily be in a big hurry to re-institutionalize their kids?