My argument is that too much government is not just the cause but a result of the "dystopia" created by too many people competing for too little space such as housing in New York City, too few resources, such as water in Los Angeles or Nevada.
Mankind has thusfar been able to feed itself barring natural catastrophies or evil human intervention.
Again, my argument is not Hobbesian but about liberty:
"My concern about exploding population is not offered out of Hobbesian theories of want but out of real fears concerning liberty. Even assuming we are theoretically capable of feeding billions more people, are we actually able to do so as a free people operating in a free market in a free society?"
So are you arguing that too many people is the cause of bad government?
I agree we have bad government but not that it is because of too many people, there are way too many other reasons.
Also you question “are we actually able to do so as a free people operating in a free market in a free society?”
I guess that depends on how much you believe in the free market in a free society.
Check out the book “Empty Planet” about the coming population bust.