Di Blasio doesn’t really get it, saying you need prolonged contact with someone. Then he tells people not to ride the subway, with no other real alternative for many.
The posters they are putting up are incomplete and therefore misleading. They say to wash hands but don’t mention that you must use water that is at least warm. They say don’t touch your mouth, eyes, or nose, but touching your face at all is problematic, as the little buggers travel, and should have mentioned ears.
Sneezing will spread it if you have it, but it is not a symptom. Tiredness and headache are symptoms, but they never mention those.
I wish they all would read FR before making pronouncements.
We have had many posts here about how “symptoms” give you only a 50% chance of identifying a positive CV person.
They had 697 positives on the Diamond Princess cruise ship—only half of them had symptoms!
The public and media reporting on this topic has been awful—partly to avoid panic, I think...