Most of Chris Martenson’s points have already been discussed here, but he had one insight (hinted at around here) that he has spelled out and it is a very very important insight.
When will the heavy duty quarantines hit?
According to Chris, they will hit when metro DC and military hospitals that take care of the leadership of our three branches of government are overwhelmed with patients.
Not one day before.
Not one day after.
_That_ is information you can use.
When you see the news about DC area (including military) hospitals started to get stressed, you need to be where you want to stay for the duration of what could be a long quarantine.
It is just that simple.
According to Chris, whenever we ask a question like “Why didn’t .gov do x, why don’t they do y”, there is a very simple answer.
It is a bit of a stunner, but I think it is right. They are slow walking this response for one simple reason:
They don’t care.
That is it.
You can’t make somebody care.