“Would someone help me understand that if this virus is less virulent and has a lower lethality than the flu why I should be overly concerned?”
If they were true, then you should not be overly concerned, however, as well documented on many threads, both those claims are false.
Not to be be snarky but CDC numbers and evaluations dont support the internet threads.....the CDC initial response is correct, severe quarantine as It is a unknown new virus of dubious origin compounded by the country of origin is cryptic regarding all numbers..... but they now are getting a better view of what the virus is, how it is transmitted and its lethality in modern developed western countries.....
Truly just trying to get a non-sensationalized, realistic view of the virus..... yes, it spreads quickly and it can be fatal to immune comprised and the elderly with other health issues, but nothing factual has supported the hyperbolic response by the general public....
The internet is always filled with doom and gloom forecasts....The fake news always runs if it bleeds it leads plus their political bias to harm President Trump.....