lighting - solar security lights in case power goes off so you can light up your yard, flashlights and headlamps - multiples, rechargeable batts, (envelop has a 25 dollar kit that the double a’s fit into the supplied c and d bat shells but you’ll probably use more double A’s for your devices = found at lowes), lowes or HD buckets, paracord or nylon clothes line cord, kitchen trash bags, hefty 55gal bags, duct tape-more than one roll - sheet plastic (plastic tablecloths from dollar store?), can openers - more than one (so sick person can have one). Extra reading glasses or a magnifying glass. BOOKS - novels, first-aid, kids. Stuff to occupy yourself - watercolors, notebooks for diaries, puzzles or models, board games, badmitten or cornhole for kids. Set that old bike up as a stationary bike. Paper napkins, plates, a pack or two of picnic plastic cutlery, and red dixie cups for the sickroom. We probably have half this stuff in our homes already.
I was thinking how to set up a ‘negative pressure’ room in a home if Dad has to be quarantined in the bedroom and the best I can figure is a fan under the door into the room, and a window in the room slightly open? Would that help at all?
I was also thinking about privacy. Especially for apt dwellers - use a sheet/plastic tablecloth to cut off a corner of the hallway, under the stairs, a closet, the spare-bathroom tub, a corner of the porch or patio - some place a family member can go and not be disturbed. But set a limit on privacy time - like an hour - so as not to encourage introversion.
I’ll be paying ahead on our health insurance premium, just in case the family bill payer is sick when the April premium comes due . . . can’t give them any excuse not to cover us. Tax documents are going to be scanned and emailed this year rather than snail mailed to protect those on the other end.