To: little jeremiah
and then wanted to home school my kid
A few years ago It was the home schoolers that won the National spelling bee contest. The leftest total control of the education system will be our ruin if not turned around. They dont teach History anymore in public schools just the progressive propaganda. Little Johnny is learning that the founders of the United States were racists and that socialism is the way to go. Saw on YouTube a few days that a group of high schoolers couldn't identify one nation on a globe. The depths of ignorance is appalling but planned.
1,157 posted on
02/17/2020 9:16:12 PM PST by
(Don't want to be a brick in Babylons wall.)
To: Keflavik76
I finally had to put my kids in school after some years of home schooling due to life circumstances. School officials were horrified I had home schooled and asked my credentials. I said “None, I’m a high school dropout”. They said they would be them in the right grades for their ages but test them. Hahahaha they tested so high (over 90% or more in everything except one kid lower in math), they had to go in “gifted and talented” groups.
1,169 posted on
02/17/2020 10:00:43 PM PST by
little jeremiah
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