The Revolution was sparked by New Englanders, who at the time couldn’t have cared less about slavery.
Massachusetts was a slave state at the time, and would continue being one for many years after 1773. Sure, some of the people didn't care about it, but the slaveowners in Massachusetts probably did.
When Massachusetts outlawed slavery through a blatantly dishonest judicial trick, most of those slave owners simply took their slaves across the border and sold them to other people.
But the Liberals felt good about themselves, and that's what matters, isn't it?
A year or two after the war ended, all the New England states had abolished slavery. Unfortunately in some states emancipation was gradual, so the law would only free the younger slaves as they came of age, leaving older slaves still in bondage, but New Englanders weren't fighting to preserve slavery.
“The Revolution was sparked by New Englanders, who at the time couldnt have cared less about slavery.”
Hardly. The Revolution was happening all over the Colonies.
Patrick Henry gave his Liberty or Death speech to the Second Virginia Convention a full month before fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord.
The Gunpowder Plot occurred in Williamsburg at the same time that fighting erupted up north. The Virginia militia forced the Royal governor to flee to a warship in the James.