Did anyone notice President Trump’s expression when he walked into the Chambers to make his speech? He looked absolutely serious and thoroughly pissed. Did he learn something right before his speech? And did you notice Melania’s expression at first camera shot? She looked notably irritated. Why wasn’t Justice Ginsburg there and no explanation forthcoming today about her absence?
In the heat of the SOTU last night, I wove a tapestry of obsenity that as far as we know, is still hanging in space over Panama City, Florida. (Nod to Ralphie)
If it makes you feel any better, Cats PJs, my elderly mother told me that she has never said so many bad words as she has this past week.
My 83-yr old mother called me immediately after the speech and barely gave me time to say, Hello when she screamed at me, Did you see what that B**** just did? LOL.