Nope! I’m not going to argue over pseudo-science, sensationalized media reports, or click-bait web sites. Some of them are right up there with anti-vaxxers in the hysteria.
I’m not going to argue pointlessly over it, except to say the prescribed medicines of millions and the common practice of doctors, who always must insure themselves against greedy lawyers salivating over lawsuits, means that these medicines have passed the rigorous FDFA approval process and are working for millions.
Are there some patients that these drugs do not work for? Of course. Do they have potentially bad side effects for some people. Yes, they do can and they do.
Like ANY other prescribed medicine, the use must be carefully monitored by both the patient and the doctor. If the medicine does not work, or the side effects are bad, the physician has a duty to stop prescribing it.
“...passed the rigorous FDFA approval process...”
LOL. you might want to check that “rigorous approval process” out.
You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that I would suggest it be more fact based though.