Looking at Mills’ connections is nauseating.........
She did all of that (A) serving as Secy of State Hillary’s top aide, (B) cashing US govt checks (C) being subsidized by US taxpayers.
A true Clintonesque parasite.
Looking at Mills connections is nauseating.........
She did all of that (A) serving as Secy of State Hillarys top aide, (B) cashing US govt checks (C) being subsidized by US taxpayers.
A true Clintonesque parasite.
not defined on the chart was Mills functioning as “gate keeper” for CF.
you gotta believe that every connection to blackivy “foundation” on the chart got a grant from DOS or made a donation to CF...........or Both.
they’ve come a long way, since the days of taking tax deductions for bubba’s tidy whiteys, red bone’s commodity trading for dummies; and years ahead of air b&b with their innovating rental program for over nighters in the Lincoln bedroom.