Thanks for your corrections and instruction regarding light and cosmic rays.
Found the following from Oct. 2019, sounds like it is a request for research funding:
“Some studies have found correlations between changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and climate parameters. However, the responsible mechanism for this link has remained elusive. This project will investigate one possible pathway by which the Earth’s magnetic field could affect climate, namely the downward propagation of changes initiated in the upper atmosphere (~100-500 km). This is a novel idea that has not been investigated before.”
(Hmm - Warthog - either their idea isn’t so novel - or you are one of these guys!)
Nope...not "one of these guys". Done retired from the science rat-race. But yes, I have been nattering on about earth and solar magnetic field interactions and climate for years.
Everybody is so totally focussed on the photonic mechanism that pretty much everything else has fallen aside in the propaganda wars.
The cosmic ray/cloud formation idea has been around for a long time, and the warmists absolutely hate it, because their models totally ignore cloud effects.
Could that big yellow ball we see in the day have something to do with it? Pretty sure that ball's magnetic field changes.
Thanks - I bookmarked your link.
Ans yes, since the “climate change” agenda began to dominate climate questions not enough is being done to investigate all the electromagnetic forces, solar high energy particle sources and cosmic (from outside the solar system) high energy sources for what impacts they may be having on weather and climate.