Derschowitz on SCOTUS intervening in “impeachment”:
Look, the most important development happened today. The Supreme Court of the United States absolutely pulled the rug out of part two of the impeachment referral by granting certiorari, by granting review in a case where Trump challenged a congressional subpoena. And the Supreme Court said were going to hear this case. Think of what that message is Its Trump was right.
You dont have to comply with a subpoena of Congress unless a court tells you you have to comply. Now, we dont know how the Supreme Court is going to come out, but they made it clear thats a viable issue. So that charge, that ground of impeachment, should be immediately removed by the House and not sent to the Senate. Theres nothing to it anymore after the Supreme Court today said youre entitled to a review on an issue when the President challenges the subpoena power of Congress. Its all done. Its over.
Breaking: Impeachment Hold-Out NJ Dem Jeff Van Drew Switching Parties To Be A Republican